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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. TDS 750 tracking inbound to the ILS.....perfection!
  2. Se my post above with the TDS integrated into the panel with the mod. Working perfectly, and the TDS is worth every penny! Is flawless in the great 414a also....and you get TWO of them in the panel 🙂
  3. Thanks for the heads up! @simbol...mod installed, working beautifully...thanks! Loving her more every click of the Hobbs. 🙂
  4. First leisurely flight around Clearwater Beach in Tampa.... On the tarmac afterwards...Note the in-tact plexiglass and chute where it's supposed to be. LOL. I resisted the urge! 🙂 Great little flier @simbol! Great job by you and your team. Now my go to sightseeing plane! 🙂 Can't wait for the high speed long range cruiser you're working on! 😉 And I just got Sandy's seal of approval! I showed it to her....she likes it and thinks its "cute" 🙂
  5. I happen to know an inside man at the company. 😉 I can get in the forums fine but it might be my access level. I'll put a note in the Beta channel and let Chris know folks are having issues. I'll report back if he finds something to inform you guys of.
  6. Did you realize if you start at KMIA, skip the 2nd letter of every third airport, then go back and take the 4th letter of every airport (even the ones before KMIA), put them all together, then reverse their order it spells: FHAUHFUEHANFBDSJGIASFHBADDAODFVNDFOVUVUNFONNDFVOUHOFDUHBADOFUVUNBOIOUOUFRURBPFDGOIFDBPFOIIJPOFGJFIIJPPDIJIJDOIROODUNVOVNOFDHPFIVDOFIVNDFOUVN ?? It took me an hour to sort that out, and another hour to realize I too need to seek help. 🤣 Must be all the virtual paint fumes I've inhaled over the decades, hehe. (and to anyone who checks to see if my letter order is how I described it, and worse yet, reply back that it's wrong...and even worse yet, it somehow makes you feel good that you got to point out an error someone made...you too should seek help.) 🙂
  7. I also tend to think that flying Concorde is such a radical difference than flying any other aircraft, that it takes on a unique status of almost being a proper noun, as in we say "I'm going over to Jim's house for a pint", where we'd never say "I'm going over to the Jim's house for a beer". Even though there was more than one airframe, the whole Concorde experience is unique enough for it to be considered a proper noun when generally speaking of her. EDIT: Hehe mis read you post Ray...we basically said the same thing...great minds? 🙂
  8. I will buy you a copy of the MSFS version if it releases in fewer than 8 years...that is how confident I am that its nowhere close. Make sure you remind me...hehe because I wont remember. LoL. I think if they have not done more than a feasibility study and actually got their hands dirty in the actual coding in MSFS, they will be in for a rude awakening if they think they can change a bit of old code and throw it in MSFS and poof...it works. As you know I was on the PMDG beta team, and I can assure you that they will confirm that its no cake walk, and their original 6 month estimate, even when they were coding in it for a while, got pushed way out the more they coded in it the more they found out what they had to change. I can't begin to tell you how hard they worked to get it out when they did...and they are in no way finished with it. Rob said this himself. I'm exhausted just testing it...imagine how the Devs felt. The team was getting emails from Rob at 2-3 am, while he was on a trip, in a hotel, trying to manage the Dev team and keep the beta testers in the loop (as much as he could). I don't have any plans to buy it for P3D...as much as I'd love to learn how to fly her...I just don't have the time. And with the exception of the iFly 737 Max project for P3D that I'm the beta team for, I never go into P3d anymore...even though V5 was just getting interesting. 🙂 Just like you mentioned, maintaining one flightsim platform is hard enough...I still have to manage 2, and with beta testing, I get to look forward to multiple installs, over and over....every time a new build comes out. How fun is that? 🤪 Oh, and did I mention in the last few months, I've painted 14 737s for PMDG, 32 for iFly and a few 414s..and this one counts...even though I technically UN-painted it. 🤣
  9. I don't say this to be morbid Ray...but I sincerely feel that you and I won't be around when it finally comes to MSFS...based on their history on releasing updates...let alone entire planes...and especially on a completely new platform to boot. (How many years did it take to create sharklets?) I find it almost comical that they say with any seriousness that they plan to create "the" Concord in MSFS. (hehe...see the Yank used "the" and left the e off the end...dam Yanks!) In a decade from now when they are announcing their 6 month window for beta testing it, today's announcement will be long forgotten. To me, they are not even relevant developer anymore in the community, and not because of their snail like development process. 😉 I painted 21 planes for their Airbus series, out of respect to the simmers who enjoyed them, I left them there for them to enjoy. I felt taking them down would only hurt simmers, not the Dev.
  10. Yes this is a phenomenon for any aircraft not built on MSFS native code. 1st time it loads it takes forever...then its fine. Sadly this also applies when beta builds get updated and you reload the aircraft into MSFS. 🤪
  11. Very similar but easy to differentiate on the ramp.... PC-12 has a T tail and the TBM has a "normal" tail. Now, if you want to see "separated at birth"....try to tell the difference between the PC-12 and the new Cessna Denali....LOL me thinks someone at Cessna has been copying somone's homework. 😂
  12. Hehe.....I hear ya Bert. Bit my lip on the 337...resisted the purchase (pats himself on the back). This one may be tough to resist. 🤣 Sad part is I already have too many great planes I don't even get a chance to fly....to busy either painting them or testing them. 🤪
  13. I'm not a Swede...and I agree with you. 🙂 One of the best-looking silhouettes of any modern fighter!
  14. Well....I'd say the ill-fated Comet started the jet age in commercial aviation, but it was never successful on the international stage as the defacto commercial jet known world-wide...as we all know its sad history. Square windows in a pressurized tube.....who knew? (well back then nobody knew of repeated pressurization effects...sad we had to learn the hard way 😞 ) The "other' jet I'm referring to was pretty popular with ALL the airlines back then...even British airlines bought them in larger numbers over the improved Comet. 🤔
  15. For the US....I agree the Connie and DC-3 are legends. However, my vote would be the plane that vaulted the commercial aviation world into the jet age....do I even need to say it? 🙂
  16. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/c/self-service/wishlist/163 found that....not sure if its official...I just took a few seconds to type wishlist in the search window over there and that's what popped up. It may be a user-created one...but in the thread it may reveal the official wishlist site if this isnt it.
  17. Welcome to the forums! That is a tough one....not sure how the VAs have looked into MSFS at the moment since most try to mimic commercial carriers. I'd say while you're waiting for replies here from VAs that might suit your needs, you should Google around and see what you can find. Another challenge is that the default airliners in the sim are not going to be used by they for the most part. (nor will they ever will be unless the modders can work miracles). Look for small, regional VAs that might use Caravans in their fleet, they may give the default one in MSFS a chance.
  18. Left the building

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pinlifter


      word not allowed Steve I didn’t know such a shitstorm could be created on AVSIM?  I didn’t read the post as really the only thing I follow now is anything MSFS related as I’m highly looking forward to the new sim whenever it’s released.

      This Mister Scott guy sounds like the governor of Michigan lol.  I hope it all works out for you in the end and you can stay onboard here.  If not be sure to give me your email address so we can stay in touch! I’ve always appreciated the work you do as I’m sure many others do as well and we’d sure hate to lose a great asset to the community!!

      Keep me posted ( and I guess I have my alert set for when you post status changes that’s how I noticed it lol)



    3. Steve Dra

      Steve Dra

      You can find my email address on all 134 of my paints here on 


      It's been a requirement since the beginning of time that Uploaded files have there Email address in the read me file so people can call them for support if they need it.

      You can use either [email protected] or [email protected]

    4. DaveCT2003


      I read them!

  19. Still exploring this bird, but I'm impressed with the system logic every time I take her up, even when I'm flying it just to check out a repaint. See what I learned about the RAT and why it wouldn't stow after I landed: http://forums.flightsimlabs.com/index.php?/topic/8237-rats/
  20. I've very recently (after a 16-year break) started to fly on VATSIM again. One thing I immediately noticed was how lazy I had gotten flying all by myself (well, AI traffic only counts a little bit). One route I like to fly for its time/distance and scenery is KLAX-KLAS. No need to even export a route out of Simbrief, 99% of the time its LOOP8-DAG-KEPEC looking at live flights on flightaware, with the occasional Hotlz SID. Anyway...on my 1st few flights the VATSIM traffic was pretty light...so light in fact I thought I had the hang of it. In my 16-year break I was not even using ATC of any type, so I thought a vector was a graphic type (vector vs raster, I'm a painter, you get the idea, hehe). Sooooo....just when I'm thinking this is a cakewalk...I'm feeling so confident after my relatively easy trip to KLAS, I was gonna fuel up my mighty FedEx 777F and return to KLAX. Well i missed the memo where a VA planned an impromptu fly-in to said airport, and I happened to be arriving roughly at the same time. Long story short, for the 1st time in 16 years (yes....I know that is a timeframe away from VATSIM longer than some here have been on this earth, LOL), I get "FedEx123, left to XXX descend to FLxxx, HOLD at XXX". I'm like...Huh? do what? hold what? Here I was cruising along on MY terms, enjoying the scenery, expecting to fly the STAR with maybe a vector or two, then enjoy an uneventful landing on 25L, left off the active and back to the FedEx ramp. How dare those evil controllers make me be a pilot when I was just happy to press a few buttons I've pressed so many times I could do it in my sleep! Long story short, as you can imagine, the stress level in the cockpit went up a few hundred notches, being caught totally off guard is never comfortable, even in the virtual world. "Complacency kills" is the defacto motto for our passion (aviation), although in this scenario I'm happy to report that even though my racetrack pattern in the hold was nothing to be proud of, I eventually made it back to the FedEx ramp with my 777F in tact, landing on 24R and having the ground controller talk in some coded language I only assumed was English, hehe. I had to break out the airport map for understanding (like I said...when I flew offline...I ALWAYS assigned myself 25L for some reason, hmmm) In the end, I actually like being vectored, and I agree with others here that it adds to the immersion, especially when the vectoring is due to real issues (within the VATSIM world) like traffic, sigmets, emergencies, etc. When I feel I'm being vectored because the controller is needing something to do, I remember that they are their helping us pilots with the immersion factor, so I'm courteous and return the favor. :smile:
  21. Hey Jeroen, It comes with a basic tutorial and manual in the purchased product. I'm with you about the Aerosoft bus and I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and the built-in automated 1st officer was brilliant, helping me to learn the flows and generally how to manage the Bus vs a Boeing. I never knew about the brake pressure either before I saw that video, but I'm finding there is a lot I didn't know about the Bus as I get into the FSL version. That is not a dig on the Aerosoft Bus in any way, but a testament to how in-depth the FSL Bus seems to be as I explore it more. You'll also learn about how to taxi it with just a joystick twist and no rudder pedals the 1st time you try to turn while taxiing. (my apologies to the ground crewman I ran over because I could only turn the nosewheel 6 degrees before I read the manual) :o I'm going to enjoy my purchase regardless of all the strife its seemed to have created with the community based on pricing and the other issues dominating every thread about it, including this one. I choose to commend the FSL team for not giving up on the project when we've seen other groups do just that after a long dev cycle and the crushing criticism that goes along with a project in dev this long. Regardless of any other agenda you attach to this product, what you get when the smoke clears and you're in the cockpit, from my initial impressions is a "study-level" Airbus A320, something I believe the community has been asking for forever... right guys? I also never fail to recognize a passionate group of folks who work tirelessly to contribute to our hobby. Anyone who thinks Lefteris and the crew started this project with the sole objective of getting rich, needs to start their own FS dev company and see how rich they get, seriously. Anyway....I'm away from my Bus this weekend (flew on a real Bus to get here in Cali), so I'll just hit the books and start painting a few I'll be flying. The paintkit is fantastic, and she's very easy to paint from my initial dabs onto the canvas. As it looks, I shouldn't have to paint much as there is already a ton of repaints for her and other painters are already pumping out more daily.
  22. As it sits now VR still is in it's infancy so depending on how good your 3 monitor setup is (like 3 50" or larger each driven by its own dedicated 1080 card), multi monitors may still be better....however...I feel VR will be the ONLY way to fly a few years from now when the technology catches up...both hard and software wise.
  23. Hey Kyle, I was poking fun at the perceived insufficient interval between updates (2 weeks in PMDG time is eons for the waiting public), but in all seriousness, posting pics of the Queen always brings the ship back on course. :smile: Not that I'm actually asking, but just stating that some screenshots of a plane we can't touch yet is one thing we always rally around. As for excitement, just as "nobody doesn't like Sara Lee"....nobody doesn't like the Queen! What's not to like about the plane that revolutionized the modern air transport era? (rhetorical question, Hehe).
  24. Very far off the line Kyle. As for this topic.....Nothing brings will bring it back on course faster than some news or some more pics. :wink: Like the drift on the magenta line (using your analogy), any aircraft (or topic) will drift if not updated. I'd say PMDGs INS for the 747 needs a update. :Big Grin: Anyone else agree?
  25. Robert, that is a great idea! To add even more realism to the product (the ground ops, dispatch, failures, etc) you could also incorporate the financial/business segment of keeping a 777 airworthy and in the good graces of all the regulatory bodies that govern her existence. Plus it would be quite the healthy revenue stream for the company....you'd have all the oil money you'd need for the DC-3! Hey Ryan, it was my intent to get folks to open the thread and get a laugh (and ponder as to what else on this remarkable plane they may have overlooked). This is also one of those things all the simmers who never leave the cockpit in flight (i.e. pan around the exterior or go back in the cabin) can't claim that its something they can't see from the captain's chair...like the wings, hehe. (I love those debates BTW, usually fought by many who's butt has never touched the chair). I have no issue just changing the date myself (like John demonstrated below), but I can imagine it's gonna bug the heck out of some purists who are gonna know they're flying a 777 that is not in compliance...LOL. My advice...learn to paint or don't turn around in your seat to look at the aft bulkhead. And, I apologize for thwarting your chance for a smackdown. I like to start conspiracies that are based on one tiny piece of truth, then let the masses start scratching their heads and saying..."You know...." I have to admit though that you guys printing the release date of the 747v3 in plain (or is it plane) sight in one of your other products is brilliant! I'm amazed that you knew the release date of the 747 that long ago...but I guess its just good business planning. :Applause: OK Kyle...there HAS to be a prize for getting 3 PMDG members to reply in one thread! Just give me early access the 747 paintkit so I can have a head start on all the liveries I have to migrate from the 777 and we'll call it even, I'm pretty sure on release day and for a significant period after I'll be busy flying vs painting her, hehe. John, since you're from Down Under and don't fall under the jurisdiction of the FCC, we can let it slide that you falsified official documents on the 777....but expect a visit from the Feds the next time you touch down on US soil. :wink:
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