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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. Ahhhh.....yes I see its just for the FCC license....my bad. However, I KNOW for a FACT that this is the Easter Egg PMDG thought we'd never make the connection to....as in.... Nov 12, 2016 is the release date for the 747v3 as we'll be unable to use our 777's radios (legally) after that date and I KNOW they don't want all those 777s grounded without a good replacement to keep all that freight and pax flowing around the globe. :smile: Very sneaky Robert! I almost missed that one! :Whistle:
  2. November 12th to be exact. Has anyone ever noticed that? :smile: PMDG, are you going to reissue our licenses for the 777 when they expire? Hehe the title kinda' had you going huh? Like "what the heck is he talking about?" Hey Robert, do I get a complementary copy of the 747 when she's released for finding this grievous issue with the 777? :Whistle:
  3. I totally agree though.....as long as it doesn't take the thread too far off tangent and drags on in that particular language. And love the animated gif.....totally get it and feel that way frequently at work with some email chains that get started....LOL. I've watched several youtube videos of low passes and that one is actually not too low compared to some.
  4. And that is exactly how I read his post and replied back. :smile: Sadly I don't speak Spanish, but wanted to reply in Steven's native language as I was replying to him directly and didn't want him to use the translator (as a courtesy to him) to get his quick answer....UNLESS Kyle can tell us that you guys ARE making a 767. :Whistle: I'll refrain from replying in other languages in the future Kyle. :wink:
  5. Hola' Steven! Lamentablemente han dicho muchas veces que no hagan un 767. Esto sería un instante Compro para mí ya que es uno de mis todos aviones favoritos de tiempo! El Antonov aunque... mmm... ¡ Sería tan genial!
  6. Looks fantastic! Hey Robert, I can't recall if you mentioned if she'll be available for both FSX and P3D on the initial release? I'm planning on painting her with the same wear and tear I put on my 777Fs: And the pax door will be well-worn as well. :smile: And I've flown this all over the world....sad that UPS doesn't fly the 777, but they fly the Queen! I'll be adding the photo-real tail to the 744 as well. I love the "sutter twist" comment (and feature)...I wonder how many here had to Google it? :smile: Another visual feature I love is the wingtips bent down at the tips, as they are in real life when full of fuel.....will be so cool to watch them flex up on takeoff! Hard to sit still waiting for the Queen....I want to PAINT (and fly) her! Hehe
  7. Ahhh.....right in my wheelhouse! I've been freight-doggin' for years and love the prospect of getting heavy metal into and out of places most airlines don't tackle. Plus, in all my freighter experience, I have yet to hear a box, pallet, or cargo container complain about the flight! :smile: Oh...there is the occasional horse whinny when I rocket out of Kentucky bringing thoroughbreds from one race to another, but throw some hay at them and an apple or two and they're happy the rest of the flight (plus the Vet can drug them to relax them if necessary, not something you can do to a passenger per se, LOL) I'm prepared to migrate all my freighter liveries from the 777, most of which are fictional with the exception of FedEx, over to the Queen when she lands on my hard drive. Most if not all are liveries on the 747F. Click the link in my sig to see which ones you'll be flying when I get them done. :wink: I'll be sure to make some of them with a well-worn look and indicative of a long, hard freighter life.
  8. Egad!!....the elevation data must be really inaccurate...esp at Dallas KDFW. In the video they show the airport up on a plateau....really? I live a few miles from there and I can assure you there are no cliffs anywhere around the airport. This is a solid pass for me...even if it was 128bit!
  9. When I was an avionics tech in the Navy, we'd sometimes blame radio communication issues on sun spot activity....sometimes it was actually true. :wink:
  10. It all has to do with the lunar cycle just as it affects wave generation. When the moon is full and its exerting the most gravitational force on the earth, the surfaces are more prone to droop when not pressurized. I know this is true because I read it on the internet.
  11. Great series as usual HL! If it were a real flight, I'd watch your approach into Love Field from the building just hidden by the large, round top building below your plane.
  12. I use the time preview function and slide it to either dawn or dusk, then leave it open and drag it to the bottom of the screen so just a sliver of its visible to grab. When it starts to get too far past the time I like to fly, I click on it (so its in focus) and use the left/right arrow keys to move the time to where I want it. Very simple and effective.
  13. That may be true, but getting all the purchases approved by the procurement officer .....that's an entirely different matter. :smile:
  14. Hey Brian, Silly question if you can afford and/or already have both, but for the simmer who can only afford one of these great birds, our input might be the info they need to make that decision. :wink: This is not an apples to oranges exploration, its a pennys to dollars to spend, hehe. Hey Mark, I kept it to these 2 birds as we're in PMDG's house. :smile: I never owned the Concorde, but I would be open to all the criticism you guys could muster about using time compression if I admitted that I used it on that bird.
  15. Hey Gord, One thing I had to really adjust to when I went from the 777 to 737 is the systems management. Neither good or bad in my opinion, just different. In the 737, you'll have to manage the engine starts, packs, cabin pressure, etc where on the 777 its all pretty much done for you. You'll also have to listen to those elevator trim wheels....a noise I certainly don't miss in the 777 cockpit! :smile: Another thing I really enjoy about the 777 is the flightdeck lighting...much more pleasant to do a night flight in the big girl in my opinion. (for those who never pushed the middle button on the Master Lighting knob or don't know how it works are in for a treat) :Big Grin: Any modern Boeing you learn in will give you more than enough knowledge to get started on the next type, if you're looking for a change from the 777, the 737, PMDG's specifically, is a great choice.
  16. Hey Chris, agree with you about the sitting for an extended time, hence the value of the auto time compression to me. When you have more years behind you than in front of you, you tend to prioritize your time spent simming a little more. :smile: When I give Otto the controls out over the Pacific and engage auto time compression, I rationalize that I'm just going for some crew rest on board, as its done in real life on long flights. I just see it as a bonus if I come back an hour later and 4 hours have gone by. The beauty of the feature is that it goes to no compression when the aircraft encounters a turn or weather that bounces you around so it doesn't go out of control. So to answer Vu's question, yes you can use it with ASN, but if you're going to encounter weather while you're away, don't expect it to be later in the flight as the time spent bouncing around is done a 1x. But, you'd normally get the forecast and if you anticipate your flightpath will take you through rough weather, you should plan on being in the cockpit during that time anyway, right? :wink: If I'm really going for some crew rest on a long fight (i.e. going to bed and finishing the flight in the morning), I'll leave time compression off as (hopefully) 6-8 hours will elapse and I should be close to my destination by then.
  17. Not sure if we've ever explored this scenario before, but I was curious if you could only choose either the 737 or the 777 to own and fly in flightsim, which would it be and why? I'm not looking for which you think is reproduced more accurately, what, if any flaws may be within each (or either, or neither, hehe)....just want to know the some of the reasons, similar to what I'm posting below. First, my choice: The 777. Reasons: It is my favorite real world aircraft. I love the story of its creation, how innovative the manufacturing process was, The risk they took to build it, how it's led to a whole new category of aircraft (large, long range twin engine aircraft), how its driving engine technology, etc. I enjoy planning (not necessarily flying....more on that in a bit) long range missions, especially cargo hauling into remote, off the beaten path destinations. (I've painted enough freighters that keep me busy with that, LOL) I also like the fact that with the 777, you can fly very long range, or short and medium range if you desire...something you can't necessarily do with the 737 (on a non-stop flight of course with distances the 777 can handle with ease). I love the size and dimensions and overall look of the 777. Not that the 737 is diminutive or ugly in any way, but face it, when spotting at a major airport (like LAX, JFK, DFW, etc), I hardly look up when a 737 goes by, but a 777, esp. with that unique GE growl, causes everyone to look up! Seeing a 77W full of pax and fuel lifting off LAX's 24 or 25, watching those wingtips flex up above the fuse is just so impressive! Within the sim, call me crazy, but I feel different when in a "Boeing Brown" cockpit vs the 737 (and sadly the 787) sterile gray environment. That brown somehow screams Boeing to me, and I know I'm in a Boeing...I know, crazy. One of the best features of the PMDG 777 in my opinion is auto time compression. As I mentioned above, when I plan a 10, 12, 14 hour flight, I have no intention of sitting there the entire time, and don't wish to tie up my simulator the entire time flying over 100s of miles of empty ocean. I know some purists here have very strong opinions about this, but please respect my choice of how I fly my sim and move on if you are posting here just to tell me how unrealistic that choice is. :smile: I completely understand this is not possible (or at least frowned upon) when flying online, and I'd not use the feature in that situation, so if you only fly online, then I'd imagine you've never used this cool feature. Regardless, I think its one of the most innovative and useful features ever implemented on a flight sim aircraft, period! Let's hear from you guys (and gals) about your choice and some insightful background for that choice. :smile: I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford both aircraft (in 2 sims no less), but maybe someone who can only afford one will see the comments here and it will help them decide which to choose if they can only afford one of these great birds. Of the 2, I do fly the 777 more, not in necessarily in total hours, but in the number of flights as well. I've taken her on many "re-positioning" missions less than 3 hours flight time, and it's always a blast (literally...when you're flying her light).
  18. Ugh....the "marked as resolved" deletes the text you were typing when you hit it. Anyway..... Looked in the event viewer Vic....It was the file FSLPreloader.dll that was causing the issue. Yep I have (had) FSL lights installed. Uninstalled....works perfectly now! Jim I misspoke. I renamed the dll.xml file in addition to removing entries in the file itself one at a time to see if I could find the culprit. When it didn't work I whacked my working file and pulled the re-named dll.xml file back in. Heading of the FSL's site now to make sure they know about it in case other customers are pulling their hair out as well. :smile: Thanks for pitching in guys (and gal) with the suggestions...even with 30 years of troubleshooting experience, you will never see every nuance of an issue that you'll never figure out without some other heads to bang against yours. :im Not Worthy: I've never had to go to the event log in the past (believe it or not) as I've been pretty lucky in the past to not have many issues with upgrades, installs, etc. Hehe, 2nd topic down in the FSL Spotlights forum...same issue, same resolution. Lefteris suggested the new version just released today....will try it and let both this and their forum know. Thanks again folks!
  19. Got it...renamed...it did create a new one...but still no joy.
  20. Hey Vic, Tried deleting the prepard3d.cfg, it creates a zero-byte prepard3d.cfg file in its place, and doesnt open the app. So I took the original one I had and restored it. Did the .dll tango....deleted suspect entries, nope, then all entries, same, then delete whole file....recreated one on startup...no joy. Could not locate either a default.fxml or default.xml file....any hints to where it may be hiding?
  21. Next steps: Deleted shader cache, no change Did a content and scenery install (with proper reboots)...no change Banged head against desk, and while it made me feel better, it didn't help my "click P3d icon...hourglass for 7 secs, P3d.exe blips on task manager, then poof..nothing" Almost ready for total uninstall/reinstall....but fearful its an external issue that is causing it and going through that will not resolve the issue.
  22. Followed the instructions in Elaine's sticky for a Client Only update. Rebooted after uninstall 3.1 client. disabled antivirus installed client ran V3.2....opened and re-registered, no issues. Open the app, no planes in vehicle window...its just black window where they should display, cursor spinning. app dead. exited, rebooted...NOW....desktop icon nor the .exe in the folder run the app...just see it blip in task manager, then gone. Running as administrator. Rebooted, rinse/lather/repeat. Refuses to open...no errors. Thoughts and or suggestions? Interesting.... In doing my own additional troubleshooting, I took out some questionable .dlls iin the dll.xml file...no effect. Then renamed prepar3d.cfg to .old to let it rebuild it. It did create a new one...but its a zero byte file with nothing in it...like it never got to the point where it could recreate one.... The plot thickens, and moving closer to a total wipe and reinstall (the very last option though)
  23. Senior Clinical Application Specialist III is my title at a major health care organization in Dallas. I know that's a generic title but I do a lot of things that they can't categorize me into one role. Basically if there is an issue with the Electronic Health Record (EHR), I'm involved with resolving it. In other lives, I've done everything from selling popcorn and ice cream at Disney World, to working on Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) gear on the SH-3 SeaKing Helicopter in the Navy. :smile:
  24. Awww (blush). I've been troubleshooting through 3 separate careers (one of them IT) for over 30 years, I should be good at it by now, hehe. Although I originally suggested regedit, I try to steer people away from that route whenever I can. (In fact we weren't allowed to walk customers thru regedit when I worked at Lotus.) I'm going to break out the brushes again when PMDG releases the 747, I've already committed to move my 777 freighter paints over to the her big sister...its gonna be hard to balance the time between flying and painting though, as she should be a wonderful bird to fly. :smile:
  25. I found the easiest way to do it (and stay out of regedit) is to do this method I found on Tom's Hardware: Try this as a work-around: 1. Create a file with notepad somewhere in your personal folders. Call it dummy.txt. Leave it blank. 2. Change the extension to *.exe. Now the file is dummy.exe (Actually you don't even have to do this, I think.) 3. Now right-click on the file that has the unwanted association. Go to 'Properties'. Click the "change" button on the GUI where it says 'opens with:' Use 'Browse' and find the file 'dummy.exe' that you just created and choose it. 4. Close the GUI. Now go and delete the file 'dummy.exe'. The file should have 'Unknown Application' associated to it. link to page: http://www.tomshardware.com/answers/id-2086497/delete-file-type-association.html
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