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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. I actually get that Chuck. Yeah Dan...there is absolutely no flaring in carrier aviation. And its actually called a "bolter". Just wanted to point that out before some Hot Shot Naval Aviator responded with bias and full inter-service rivalry in an attempt to demean your Branch. :smile: Hey Joe, most passengers don't get it. The last time I gave a genuine "Nice landing Cap'n" was when I was near the back row, and because of the crab angle, was able to just see the runway out my window! He kicked it out at the last second with a very firm plant and we squiggled (technical term) sideways as the wind wind was still trying to blow us off the runway. I asked him if he was at the very limit of the crosswind component...he smiled and said "That's what I'm puttin' in my logbook" :smile:
  2. Hehe...I'd have to be in a bad way Kyle to ever mix the two up....I just like to joke about the "Retard, Retard" call whenever I get the chance as we know that in American english, that word is somewhat derogatory. :smile: I enjoy flying both types (once I learned how to fly the 'Bus) just for variety, but Boeings will always be my preferred airliner. Not so much for any cultural/geographical influences, but because its what I learned on, and the Bus came to me long after I was comfortable with Boeing. Having to learn to fly it was challenging, although if I think the Bus is easier to learn if your starting with no preconceived notions of how an airliner should be flown.
  3. Hey Rick, the .air file has no association....in order to get it back to that state, search the net for "removing file association in Windows XXX" replacing the Xs with your version of windows. Not sure if there is an utility for it or an easy way to do it in the front end, but I tried the registry entry methods I saw out there and they seem to work.
  4. I just wait for the "Retard, Retard" and pull the throttles back a pitch up ever so slightly. (I'm kidding in case anyone wants to correct me) :smile: Oh, and I usually disconnect the AP and AT at the 2500 call and hand fly the rest of the approach....much more fun and engaging that way (and keeps your skills up) and like Simon mentions, I find it really hard to catch up to the plane if I disconnect later in the approach.
  5. True dat Dave.....but unfortunately some TLA's or A's in general are used in multiple areas of interest for a general Google search to be useful. For example, do a Google search on "GSX" and you'll get endless posts about Suzuki's GSX model, not necessarily the GSX you're looking for. IF you happen to get the correct GSX at the top of your search, its most likely you've Google'd it before, and/or bought the product and the ad-bots just picked your virtual brain, hehe. For the guy who's never heard of GSX in FSX, he'd probably never make the connection or the ad-bot won't have any history or his buying habits profile has not been sold to the advertisers that would give him a more relevant hit for flight sim. :wink: Hey Vic, Hilarious! (Not a TLA or A at all) However.....looks at your computer/flightsim specs in your sig..... P3D#1 - 3770K 4.7g Asus Z77 1600 7-8-7 2-GTX970 SLI 1000W PSU 1- 850G EVO SSD, 2-256G OCZ SSD, 1TB,HAF942-H100 Water W764 Home 2 - HANNSG 28" Monitors 2560x1400 - ASN, GEP3D, UTX, ORBX Regions, TrackIR P3D#2 - 980x 4.43G P6X58D 1612 6-8-6 GTX680 DH14 850W 2-1TB WD HDD,1tb VRap, Armor+ W10 Pro 2 - HannsG 28" Monitors ASN,FTX Global, UTX, FTX Vector, ORBX regions, Trackir Q400, CS727, CSL1011, various A2A, Aerosoft and Carenado a/c; I asked a friend (not a simmer or a computer guy) to explain all the things you refer to....he got "I know what a monitor is...that's about it." And education is not a barrier as he's a top neurosurgeon at my healthcare system, so he's been to college. :smile: Oh....he DID know what a CABG is.... ROFL! The truth is we live in a world where communication speed is so important that we use TLAs, A's and other "brevity codes" (A term used in military aviation...http://fas.org/man/dod-101/usaf/docs/mcm3-1-a1.htm) to push as much information across as we can in the shortest amount of time. Its the nature of our species.
  6. ROFL (pun intended). I'm at that age as well that has me forgetting more things I can remember. I still marvel at the fact back in the day...I could draw you a circuit with a MOSFET, a few resistors and capacitors and tell you exactly how the current flowed within it, with the voltage drops at across each resistor (both in and out)...sigh...now I'm happy with the fact that I even remember what a MOSFET is. LOL (another pun intended). Same goes with back in the day when I was a Lotus employee and could write formulas and macros that could run a business, all in one spreadsheet. I'm with ya Ray! TLA's....yeah they tend to be 3 words for some reason (dunno why). The real trouble is when you have TLA's that are the same TLA's across a few professions you're involved in...for example: AMA.....back when I flew RC planes, that of course was the Academy of Model Aeronautics. In my later years involved in Heath Care....AMA actually means two things: American Medical Association and Against Medical Advice (used in the ED (Emergency Dept (Department))....errrr...what used to be commonly called the "ER"...an no...not THAT ED...ROFL...where a patient would bolt out of the ED without the clinician's permission, or against their advice). And trust me....SOB means something completely different in street slang vs medical term. As I figure most of know the street slang meaning...in the medical profession, its means "Shortness Of Breath" You can imagine the shock I felt when I 1st entered the medical profession and heard RNs, NPs, CRNAs, APNs, LPNs, LVNs all spouting out SOB like they were really mad at the patient. Oh.... RN - Registered Nurse NP - Nurse-Practitioner CRNA - Certified Registered Nurse of Anesthesia APN - Advanced Practice Nurse LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse LVN - Licensed Vocational Nurse Yeah...TLA's ALL over the place!
  7. Hey Mike, That would be the proper way to do it in a perfect world and if we'd all comply as posters that would be awesome. However in our real world I wouldn't expect the poster to be burdened with that formal method (the way we do it in training manuals all the time by the way). If I just need a quick answer to if ASN was updated to 3.2 (which in itself could also be classified as an abbvr or acronym), I would never realistically type, "Pardon me, does anyone know if Active Sky Next (ASN) has been updated for use in Lockheed Martin (LM) Prepard3d (P3D) version 3.2? :smile: I'd put the burden on the reader, if they are not familiar with the brevity terms we use here, to be able to ask without ridicule ("Hey, what is ASN?"), and for us to be able to point him/her to a link containing the alphabet soup stuff we throw around here with ease. Hehe. Maybe even a master post, linked to all forums with a running list of standard and user-supplied terms? I just looked in the Welcome New Members forum, the logical place for this me thinks...could not find one. Whaddya think Mods? Maybe even title it something like "Alphabet Soup...a guide to FlightSim (FS) acronyms and abbreviations"? :Raised Eyebrow:
  8. I swear you guys are doing it all wrong! I've jump seated many times in a variety of airliners and I've seen the crew hit the Y key then F1 when they get a decent command that is out of the limits of the airframe or will make them bust a restriction. Just hit Y again when you're at your desired altitude and you're all set. Sheez. :rolleyes: If you guys would just learn to use all the equipment on your aircraft, half these conversations/debates would never happen!
  9. OK...maybe not all acronyms, but at least one I haven't been able to figure out, and thought maybe simmers new to our world could benefit from a listing of all the acronyms we throw around around here that are easy for us, but for them, not so much. Apologies if this is covered somewhere else and I missed it. Maybe make it a sticky and we can all refer folks to it and add info to it as time goes on? SODE - ?? No clue ASN - Active Sky Next - Weather Simulator - Insert website here if applicable SGSS - Sparse Grid Super Sampling - Video card setting - etc.... GSX - Ground Support Xtreme - you get the idea.... LM - Seriously, but who knows, some folks can't make the connection, better not to assume everyone knows what an abbreviation is. DT or DTG - Dove Tail Games - software company - website, yadda yadda.... MOSFET - Metal Oxide Semiconductor, Field Effect Transistor (wait....wrong genera, from 1st career, hehe) CABG (pronounced 'cabbage') - Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (shoot....another misplaced acronym from my 3rd career, LOL) What do you guys think? Do we need this? (Well I know I do at lease for SODE) :Whistle:
  10. Simmer since SubLogic ATP and FS on an Atari 520ST (well even before that actually) I too will give the nod to P3d. I'm on 3.1 getting ready for 3.2, but I enjoy the fact that it is getting frequent updates and attention from an active developer who's background IS aviation, not a software company who's interest in the title was strictly from a financial point of view. Those 2 facts alone should motivate any simmer who's passion is the simulation of aviation (not a gamer (as it were) who's looking to fly a 747 under the Golden Gate inverted) to invest in the platform and see where Lockheed takes it. :smile: I'm also currently in FSX:SE with Steve's DX Fixer and I have to give credit to Dovetail and Steve for making FSX the best I feel it can ever get. They have done an admirable job working with what they were given and until I can justify paying for planes in P3d I already have in FSX, I'll have it on my computer and fly in it when I have the urge to fly those models until P3d hits 64 bit. If I were starting from scratch or a new simmer, I'd not even look to FSX as my starting sim, and invest in P3d from the start....of course a new simmer should wait to invest heavily in ANY platform until we see what the new DT offering will bring. Overall an exciting time to be a simmer.
  11. The only chance of an Easter release is for Easter 2017 or more likely 2018. Even if it went into beta today...there is no way they'd complete the beta in 19 days. Of course I too hope its released this Easter as well...but I know I have a better chance of winning the lottery (without even buying the tickets) than the 747 coming to us by this Easter. :smile: I just put this release waaaaay on the back burner and will check back next year to see if its in beta yet...that is when I'll pay more attention to to updates coming from PMDG and the beta testers.
  12. Not to mention the max thrust they could muster on a continuous basis was paltry compared to a GE90, hence needing 4 of them to push the plane along. If there was a GE90 back then...we'd most likely be flying 2-engined 747s. (if you could convince the decision-makers of the period that these suckers (pun intended) were way more reliable than the 1st generation PWs they stuck on her) :smile: Funny you should mention that as my Pam AM 707 flight was an Atlantic crossing....KPHL to Rota, Spain. Even at 13 years old....I still vividly remember the sun rising fast as we sped towards it, the rays glinting off the shiny nacelles.
  13. Kids! My goodness....the topic of this post is about UA retiring its 747s....not who's 4 engine is better or if a twin is better than a quad. All I know is that in my 54 years, I've not had a chance to ride on the "Queen" yet. She's called the Queen for good reason, and no matter your personal preference, you can't argue she has been one of the...of not the most iconic airliner to date. Thanks for the heads up Robert...I'll make sure I'll get a ride on a UA 747 before they're gone. I just wish I had a chance to ride her on Pan Am, the airline that made the 747 a reality. I am lucky enough (and old enough ) to have ridden on a Pan Am 707 though, which was an awesome experience (and a UA & DAL DC8 which were also memorable flights). Say what you will...but looking out over a wing and seeing 2 engines hanging out there just looks cool in my opinion, regardless of fuel economy or safety. :wink:
  14. Great set Imran! I don't do this often, but your next to last shot just before touchdown, over the fence with the condensation on the wings and vapor off the flaps is now my desktop. :wink: It just struck me as awesome. I'm liking the PIA retro livery on the 777, looks really good I think.
  15. Hey James, Your question of which version to buy is a taboo subject here, and any answers provided will be deleted as it violates the EULA. I suggest you do a Google search and/or use your best judgement on that decision. As for the software you'll have to buy again for P3d...can't recall all the details, but it is widely known that PMDG requires you to purchase a license for each version of flight simulator you own/use. Other than that..... as a "general" rule, most aircraft you'll have to re-purchase, while other add ons such as scenery and utilities you do not. Please check with each software dev for their policy. I've been on P3d for a while now, and I see the advantages of it over FSX-SE (DX10 with Steve's DX fixer). There is a lot to catch up on to get fluent with P3d I won't lie...but most if not all the info you need is right here on this forum...we have some awesome folks here who do all the leg work to discover how to get the best out of the app!
  16. I'm running a 970 on 55 inch 4k monitor. I fly heavies at altitude most of the time...PMDG 737 and 777. I run at the rez just below the highest (not at pc and can't remember the numbers) FSDT KLAX and Orbitz SoCal, very high settings. Frames are fine 30s I'd say. P3d 3.1, 4790k clocked to 4.6ghz, ai traffic at 30%. Sorry on mobile device so can't give great details, but bottom line I'm very pleased with the 970 running at 4k
  17. And if you don't want to lower the yoke and instead "lean forward" a bit to see those lighting controls blocked by the yoke.....try holding the CTRL key and then hold the BACKSPACE key and watch your "eye point" magically move forward....WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! And to get your view back to where it was....CTRL+SPACEBAR! My won't the wonders ever cease! Want to move your eye point to the right a bit to see the FMC (either one).....CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER....CTRL+SHIFT+BACKSPACE moves you back to the left....BaZinga! Need to see a bit more over the instrument panel? (Raise your seat as it were).....SHIFT+ENTER.....back down...SHIFT+BACKSPACE. OMG this is incredible! Oh....and ..."Just sitting on the ground in the B738 playing with the WX radar now, and turning around and the need to move my head around to just be able to READ things up right... My neck is completely toast already. " Press "A" 4 times....there it is right in front of you...no head turning at all. 2 more quick A presses and your back at your default view...OR...SHIFT+A 4 times (the SHIFT key cycles the viewpoint in reverse). Hope those few tips help you get around the VC without it frustrating you to the point of wanting to quit.
  18. I'd agree Rick....but while the airframes may have alot of hours, I bet their cycles are low since they did long haul with much fewer cycles than a regional/domestic bird like a CRJ, 737, etc. (except for those ANA domestics) That is a bigger factor in airframe life, and I bet if you went shopping in Victorville, you could find a few late model, low hours/cycles 744 bought by an ambitious airline that had to park them when they over-stretched the budget and made some bad forecasting decisions , hehe. Watch the 60 mins story here. Its about a Qantas 767, but they mention all the 747s at the end as they are touring Victorville...a bucket list destination for me for sure. :smile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=We7qdE4pMtk The Qantas fleet was impeccability maintained, and I'd have no issue making my private jet a 747-GE90 retrofit.
  19. I bet she'd fly just fine on 2 Kinda' makes you wonder if someday in the future, all those 744's parked in the desert because they just can't compete with the fuel efficiency of a large twin, would have a new life if they re-engined them with dual GE90s. That would HAVE to be cheaper than buying a new large twin off the assembly line. I wonder if anyone ever seriously explored that?
  20. Hey Rick I'll give you the DC10 had a better nose, now if they only matched the 2 with each other, what a plane huh? If you're referring to the F16 Jason, then yes that is one of my favorite fighters....but very loud when taxiing by!
  21. Thanks Klaus! Got your checklist, looks great....and grabbed Tom's tutorial as you noted in your file...these we help me a ton when trying to learn to fly this classy bird. Living under the approach path of the south arrivals into Orlando (KMCO) back when I was a teenager, I frequently saw Delta and Eastern L1011's fly overhead. They were so easy to identify at night with the 2 rotating anti-collision lights on the belly. Loved watching them and wondering where they were coming from (no Flightaware back in those days...heck no internet for that matter.....HOW DID WE SURVIVE? Lol)
  22. When they were developing the DC10 and L1011 way back when I remember seeing pics of both and thinking how much aesthetically pleasing Lockheed's version of the #2 engine was....not that the DC-10 doesn't look nice, but the L1011's was...elegant. :smile: The S duct just looks great IMO.... Captain Sim did a great job modeling her, and at 9.99 Euro, it was quite the bargain. Gonna' enjoy learning to fly her and re-living some trips I took on her many, many years ago (Got to fly on Delta, Eastern and ATA versions before she went the way of the Dodo). Really looking forward to replicating my trip from Gaeta, Italy back to the States when I was stationed there in the Navy.
  23. Thanks guys, I think I'll wait to see what I think of the base model. It'll just be an extra 5 euro if I want to pick up the expansions after the sale. And they noted that the repaints work on all -200 models....that is what I was looking for. :smile: Got 45 mins to change my mind...Lol
  24. Just picked up the 737-200. Can anyone tell me if the expansions (ADV and F/Combi) are 9.99 normal price....after the 24 hour sale? Dont want to pick them up yet until I've evaluated the base pack...but don't want to spend more than 9.99 for them either, hehe.
  25. Another vote for the L1011. Running it in V3.1, installed with no issues. Runs with no issues (only flew for 45 mins). Runs very smoothly. Overall very satisfied with this 9.99 purchase.
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