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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. Stark color contrasts HL! Love the pyramids shot!
  2. Great shots Chris! Glad to see her out earning her keep. :smile:
  3. Based on my recent experience (Bought a turn-key 4790k system last year from a guy off craigslist for a phenomenal deal...only part lacking was the GPU, a 660 Ti), my desktop was much too old to upgrade components so just got a whole new system. However in your case Matt, you're running at 4.6 and as we all know core speed is everything in FSX/P3D. My system is running at the same speed and if you have your's dialed in (as I imagine you would after all these years), I'd go for the 970 hands down! I just upgraded that 660 to a 970, and along with moving to a 4k 55 inch TV for my display, it has transformed my flightsim experience greater than any other upgrade in 20 years of simming. Simming at 4k and that large of a screen literally has to be seen to be appreciated fully, and the 970 with 4gb handles it just fine on my rig. Also I don't think anyone looks forward to upgrading so many core components because of all the config, tweaking, and testing you have to do to get it dialed in. (A royal pain in my opinion, I don't want to be a computer expert who also flies, I want to be a flyer who also knows just enough about computers to make my simming experience great, hehe) You can also look at it this way: You're going to need a GPU upgrade in the future anyway, so a 970 will only work better in a new system down the road, and it may be just what your current system needs to breath new performance in to it...and P3D is finding more ways to utilize the GPU with each release. If you decide on a 970, bump your rez up to 4k (if your display can handle it), and see what you've been missing. :smile: Check out Rob A's 4k videos over in the P3D fourm...IN 4K....mind-blowing the detail! Oh and finally, check you power supply if you're upgrading to a 970/980+..not going to recommend one in this post as I'm sure you can read up on which ones are good. :wink:
  4. Super shots Chris! My favorite shot is the one at liftoff, condensation in the huge intakes and the KC-10's silhouetted in the background! I was pretty excited about the updates from PMDG about the 744, I still think we have a long wait though before I'm able to transfer the Atlas paint over to the bird who really flies those colors. :unsure:
  5. Great series Darryl. You're fond of the Eagle tail I see. I also like N218FR...another cool bird I really like to fly when I'm in a Frontier mood. :wink:
  6. Great Shots Chris! Love the vorticies off the engine strakes! Its too bad I won't be able to put this paint on an A330F as Aerosoft noted that they won't be making the freighter. I'm actually going to Tampa next week...maybe I'll take the big girl on a trip to her namesake city. :wink:
  7. Beautiful set Chris! I like this paint too....going to take her on a few trips. :wink: Hey HL, Yeah, Chris likes'em dirty!
  8. Can't wait to see where you wind up taking her.....If you want to continue your flight from that tropical paradise, I'm sure the company would let you do a ferry flight back to the home airport in Miami to prep for the 1st 777 revenue flight. Hmmm...and empty 777F with GE90's....bet you can go vertical off the runway!
  9. Awesome shots HL! I visited the Bluegrass airport when I was working at the UK campus facility years ago. Cool little airport! Horse farms for miles as you drive out of the front gate!
  10. OK I've uploaded her, should be available on the next posting cycle.
  11. Thanks Ryan. This one will be waiting for you in the library when you make the decision to buy the package. :wink: I noticed on some airliners.net pics that Centurion puts the MSN and model number under the reg.....just a little bit more work, but adds to the immersion. This MSN was assigned to a Lan Cargo 777F that is currently stored, but they leased it to Centurion for their first 777F. I plan to port this paint to the 747F when PMDG releases it sometime in late 2017 (and most of my other freighters as they have real 747F counterparts). I'll be uploading when I get home tonight.
  12. Stunning shots of my hometown airport Darryl! I've seen many a Frontier tail as I fly on Spirit a lot and they are at the gates next door.
  13. Stunning series Ryan! I could swear the 1st one is a shot I've seen on the cover of Flying or some other mag many years ago. :smile:
  14. Beautiful John! Not that crazy about the new livery, but you've captured her right on. I took your old Cathy 77W from LAX to Fiji a while back, was a nice (long) flight. BTW, The issue with the OC packager I mentioned in my post was due to user error...working fine now.
  15. Thanks guys! She​'s just about ready, should be uploading her soon.
  16. Just need the beta tester (Pinlifter) to sign off on it and I'll upload her to the library. Unfortunately with the PMDG operations Center packager still broken, I may have to upload it as a zip and you'll have to manually install it. Hope they fix it soon.
  17. Sweet shots Chris! Making slow progress on a few more 777 freighters as it seems we're in a long wait for the 744F. Sadly I lost some work on the Centurion when my laptop when to hibernate and never recovered. Working to get that paint back on her.
  18. I agree! Can't have too many freighters! I thinking this one may be released before the Queen.
  19. Hey Chris, Kalitta is waiting for her tail feathers to get done. In the meantime, Centurion is getting closer. The older photo below does not show the recent progress, which is painted nacelles, and a larger logo. The tail on this one is easier, and I hope to be done before the Queen arrives. I'd also uncross your fingers for a Christmas release...you'll get unnecessary cramps. :smile: I can't fathom a release this year, although I'd be the 1st one in line to purchase if we did see it this year! ​
  20. Oh...I'm trying to resist! I love the "Double Ugly", and I know Milviz's rendition must be great! I'm old enough (and fortunate) that I got to see the Blue Angles perform with the F4 and what a show it was! Six F4s all taking off on burners....12 J79s' pumping out more noise than a Manowar concert. Stuff of legend...I miss the F4. Although I can't imagine the fuel bill after a performance...the Rhino was not known for being thrifty at the pump. :smile:
  21. That's the spirit Paul! Both is best I say, they are both great planes to fly. The co-pilot feature really helped me get over the learning curve and I thoroughly enjoy flying the Bus now. The more you fly it the more I think you're gonna like it. Really looking forward to their A330 so I can do some long haul. I know there is an actual Air Canada flight that takes a 318 (or 319) across the Atlantic, but the 330 is much better suited for that. :smile:
  22. Thanks Rob, It's kinda' addictive to create your own lighting for any aircraft in your fleet. I'm not worried about the CRJ without variable lighting, I'll make my own. :wink:
  23. Hey Paul, The sad answer is no, however....with FS labs Spotlights app, you can add custom lights to ANY of your aircraft! Look at the shots below...I played with it for about an hour and made these custom lights for the Bus.... Three is also a community effort to create light configs for all existing aircraft, in case you don't want to do them yourself (or you can start with theirs and customize it to your taste.) This has absolutely transformed my night flying experience, and I won't take any plane up at night without custom lights again. :smile:
  24. I wish we were all wrong and we'd see a 747v2 under our virtual Christmas tree, but I see zero chance of that happening based on what we've seen so far. I think even Q32016 might be in jeopardy if they have to keep messing with installers and other tweaks rather than focus on the Queen. I don't know if the dev team for the 747 is off-limits to getting pulled into these athoc updates, but if they aren't, then 2016 all together may be a wash and we're looking into 2017. Especially if, based on Robert's excitement about how great P3DV3 is and wanting to add/update/change existing coding on the 747 to take advantage, that could add months to the project in itself. I mean, in PMDG time, the 747 has not been in development THAT long, and other than shortcuts from the lessons learned on the NGX and 777, the historic timeline would put it in 2017 anyway. So I'm just patiently waiting for her, and in the meantime going to enjoy an A330 when she's released (possibly this year), and of course fly my 777s all over the world while she waits for her big sister to help haul freight. :smile:
  25. Hey Paul, you can't go wrong with the Aerosoft Airbus, and at that price, it is a true no-brainer! I find it an excellent addon in every respect. The built in co-pilot feature is one its best features, and completely helped me transition from Boeing logic to Airbus. For years I wanted to learn the Airbus, but was kinda' lazy and never set down to get into it. This feature will walk you through the checklists, and if desired, do them for you as you listen to (and get familiar with) the flows if you've grown up on Boeings like I did and find the Airbus logic alien to your brain waves, LOL. In my honest opinion, you need both of these wonderful packages, as the 777 has the legs to take you anywhere in the world whereas the Airbus 318/19/20 is really built for trans-continental routes (But They are developing the A330, which will solve that) . And with PMDGs brilliant auto time compression feature that allows you to fly those long trans-Atlantic/Pacific/whatever flights in a fraction of the time, it is one of my all-time favorites (not to mention that its systems fidelity is second to none). Plus your signature graphic obliges you to have the 777 in your hangar. :smile: If you like hauling freight and eventually purchase the 777, check the link in my sig as I've painted a bunch of 777 freighters that keeps me busy hauling freight to all parts of the world. :Big Grin:
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