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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. Thanks Rich, I may have to pick it up. Is it the Estonian one? (Sorry not up to speed on migration tools, so far everything I needed in P3d thus far has been about to install without it)
  2. Awesome thanks for the info guys! I don't have the migration tool, is the entire peanut gallery saying it will install without it, or Vincent and Rick are you saying it installed ok into 2.5 without the migration tool, or did you use that as well? Thanks!
  3. Well, that would be, what I'd consider, Tampa overload! :Big Grin: Some of my real world flights I'd be replicating are A320 Spirit flights from KDFW, maybe a few from KATL and KLAX from various other airlines in a 738. But I'm sure my 1st cargo flight may be out of Tampa, in a Tampa Cargo 777F to a South America destination. Hope to be flying an A330F in that livery in the near future. (Just need Aerosoft to cooperate) Not even thinking 744s until that other developer gives us a reason to put them back on the radar.
  4. As the title says. On the official page it states its compatible with 2.2, but we all know that us resourceful simmers sometimes can make it work in later versions (if it doesn't just work outright). Their forums are not too active so I thought I'd ask here. The last comment in their forums regarding 2.5 compatibility was on March 1st, and left me with an inconclusive answer, so I'm hoping someone here has it working fine in 2.5. :wink: I'd really like to get it if it works in 2.5 as I fly into there in real life. Thanks!
  5. Thanks Kyle, new ticket opened 341-1CEE16B3-0418
  6. Not yet. I suspected the registry as well, but usually don't dig in there unless instructed to so.
  7. Please reference ticket number 38B-1C9729B4-0424 in your ticket Brian, as I've had the exact same problem ever since the latest release of the OC. On my new machine, I have FSX:SE and P3d installed, but never installed the legacy FSX. I've totally uninstalled all PMDG software, deleted appropriate directories, reinstalled...did not work. You are probably getting a 1kb PTP file like I am, no data in it at all, right? I still have the legacy FSX on my old laptop, which works fine to export liveries, so I've been moving all my repaints over to it to package them for upload until they can figure this one out. I've also installed a stand alone version of the OC Ryan sent me the link to, no joy. Just to make it crazier, it also does it on my new laptop...it has Win 8.1 and my desktop has Win 7-64, so the OS is not the issue. After reading your success by fooling the OC that you have FSX installed may be the key, as I didn't try Flight1's migration tool, and I suspect it not seeing the legacy FSX has something to do with it.
  8. Great shots Chris! I'm with ya' Chris...but I fear we're not flying a 744 this year based on how slowly they're trickling any news on it. A few screenshots in a year's time, not a hint its even in Alpha, and based on how slow development's been on previous products, I'll bet we'll be lucky to see it even by the end of next year. :Raised Eyebrow: I'd love to be wrong, but since this is Robert's favorite plane I'd figure they'd be a lot further along by now. I feel if they were further along we'd be seeing a lot more updates from....beta testers? To me it doesn't make business sense to hold off on previews if they are within 2-4 months of release like some think they are. I'm just going to forget about the 744 until there is really something to be excited about. I'd bet money you'll be flying an A330F in Tampa Cargo livery before you'll even see release previews of the 744. :Big Grin:
  9. Yeah its quite the taxi at the end of a 2 hour flight, when you just want to get off the plane and get home. Waaay back when the "5th" runway was being proposed and trying to get local funding, they were saying it was needed to improve traffic flow and specifically envisioned to handle the slow turboprop commuters that were slowing down the big jets in the pattern! We are approaching the day when you won't see a turboprop commuter any longer, and its rare I even see 1 or 2 flying in/out anymore. Even though they can get into some places an RJ can't, they are far from profitable for the major regional carriers, and I can see a day when service to those airports served by them will be stopped. Those passengers will just have to find a land route to a major airport when that happens.
  10. If you're making that observation based on pic #3, you would not be able to see 10-28 as he departed from 26R, and you can barely see 27R from the clip, and 10-28 is a bit further south and out of the picture. Flying weekly into and out of ATL for several years, I can tell you that if you flew on Airtran, you almost certainly got the approach to 10-28, the "far" runway (longest trip to the terminals), because your plane did not have the right coloration (i.e., a Delta flight). Of course, I flew into KDFW, where you experienced the same discrimination if your plane wasn't "unpainted", hehe. Of course with AA planes now painted silver, but they still get preferential treatment over other airlines. This is not a baseless claim either, I recall several instances where we sat waiting to cross a runway after landing, watching several AA MD-80s cross on the taxiway adjacent to us, while we sat there, and sat there, an sat there.... :Whistle: Anyway I digress...Chris, please let us know if you have old old scenery for KATL, or do in fact have 10-18. :smile: Great shots BTW Chris of my former hometown airline and airport!
  11. I'm with you John! May I venture to guess we'll see a few "Longreach" beauties from your hangar? :wink: Most (if not all) of my 777 freighter paints will become 744Fs.
  12. They are not quite there for charging for that service yet...but even if they did, their ticket to LAX from DFW would still be about $300 cheaper than DAL or AA! :Rolling Eyes: In the past their, on-time performance was my biggest complaint, but they have gotten much better recently! Other than that, $270 round trip to LAX, in a exit-row window seat both ways is much better than the almost $600 the others wanted. Say what you will about Spirit, if I splurged and got their $50 "business-class" seats up front, I'd be looking at $370 vs well over $1000 for the same service from the legacy carriers. I'll spend that extra $600+ on flightsim add-ons thank you. :Big Grin: Here's a shot of her at DFW loading up for the trip to LAX
  13. Great screens Chris! Love the hangar shot too...and the engine shot. The vortice coming off the engine strake is sweet....gotta love that Immersion package! I think this paint would look better on a 744F <_<
  14. Great reflections! I wish flightsim really did that! Updates to the paint coming to you soon.
  15. Fantastic paint John! I'm queuing up a Qantas 738 flight with one of your home-country paints....I'll post pics of the flight here. :wink:
  16. Great shots Aharon! Sorry I haven't replied to your IM's....just a lot going on in the real world at the moment. I'll get the tweaks done to this paint and get them to you. :wink: Thanks for the great series on this paint. Personally I like the white livery the best, but this one is ok (because its Eastern :Applause: ) Hey Kyle, Its the old (but still great-looking) SGA A-300. It's available over at Flightsim...as are a bunch of my other paints. They were all loaded here at Avsim before the hack (where I lost many paints), and I only re-uploaded about 1/4 of my paints back here before I ran out of steam. (Packaging and uploading repaints is quite the chore, lol). Anyway, just search my last name over there and you'll find this model. The gray shuttle paint is only in Aharon's hangar, if you want a copy let me know and I'll send it.
  17. I have to admit that as much as I dislike the new AA livery, it looks good on this airframe (Still not crazy about the tail..that needs work). That's a great pic Ryan! Just waiting for you guys to release your 787. :ph34r: Hehe. I know QW is building one, and it does look great, but with the last few updates from them suggesting that they may have announced it way too early, and the fact it's a part-time venture for them, I fear their bird is still several years from release. :unsure: NP cmpbellsjc! Yeah, 121 and 114 are a nightmare around that time, and with the weather looking like it is right now, it may literally be a washout. I was thinking it would be nice to see the 1st commercial AA flight of this graceful bird, but not at the expense of horrible traffic and weather. Funny you should mention the Norwegian Air Shuttle, as it was the only 787 I saw at KLAX last week when I did a little spotting there. Thought I'd see a United or Lan...but no. I'm contemplating driving to Houston to take a UAL 787 flight out to LAX for my next trip, but I can't find any flights on their page with the bird, even though they say its going to be in service soon (or may be already).
  18. Hey guys, Anyone planning on watching the 1st AA 787 departure from DFW at Founder's Square tomorrow? She's scheduled to depart around 17:25 local, flight number 2331 to Chicago. I'm going to try and be out there. Just hope she departs from the west-side runways! (36/18)
  19. Hey MJ, Just throwing this out since I see you were getting a situation similar to mine a while ago. Now, mine seemed to happen regardless of the aircraft, but the "3-5 second freezes every 5 mins" brought flashbacks of me wanting to throw my new computer out the window. And I'm a firm believer of offering any and all suggestions when it comes to resolving an issue that's driving a fellow simmer batty, because Lord knows I've been there.... and then read a post that...zap....fixed my issue in an instant! Look at my post here http://forum.avsim.net/topic/462985-weird-freezing/?p=3185015 Hope this is your issue, and this trick fixes it for you.
  20. Fantastic shots B'Gosh! (OK...SOMEONE had to say it, LOL) LOVE the Chicago skyline, simply awesome rendition within flightsim...the best I've ever seen! And...that "steering wheel" yoke just cracked me up....makes me want to try and parallel park the thing Very sleek-looking plane though, looks fast in still pics! Have to ask HL...would it be easier for you to list all the add-ons you DON'T have vs. ones you do? :Applause:
  21. Love the stark contrast of color between the land and ocean, great shots HL! Nice to see a little military action too. :American Flag:
  22. You guys got it! Here she is pulling into my gate....you can see downtown Dallas in the distance. We're heading to LAX.
  23. Great guess HL! Funny thing is that Vueling is one of my favorite liveries...but this is not a V bird. There is only one plane painted like this, if that helps. :wink: There are not too many liveries with yellow engines. It certainly is DFW, and the runway should be pretty easy to guess as well. The angle was nice, the pilot launched off the runway like a rocket, it was a great ride!
  24. In flightsim... It's too bad the building to the right is not modeled in flightsim. and for real... Can anyone guess the departure airport and runway? (Should not be hard if you know where I live) And...can you guess the airline and the livery?
  25. What in the World are you doing flying this plane? hehe. Great shots Chris! My flights to-from LAX were great....will post a pic of the unique paint I flew to LAX.
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