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Steve Dra

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Everything posted by Steve Dra

  1. Stunning shots Simeon! Love the B200. I have the Carenado version but don't fly it as much as I should.
  2. Oh no can do Mon Freir! Will be visiting my GF, landing at one of the best spotting airports in the world, and scheduled to have a great time! Even she commented on how many different airlines/plane types she saw when she 1st landed there, and she's not as crazy about airplanes as I am (go figure. LOL). Thanks Jeff!
  3. Thanks fellas! Doing good Simeon, Just trying to find more time to fly. When I get to see sunsets like that, I try to find the time. :smile:
  4. Thanks guys!
  5. Thanks Rick...I really enjoyed the 767, my favorite plane overall, and the LDS version was of course top notch for the longest time. I did some of my best paints on this model: Even after all these years, still one of the best-looking models in flightsim!
  6. Maybe they did give up. :blush: Perhaps Dayrl will chime in and give an update, there are reasons (like Craig noted) for the site to be in its current state, but based on the past, I think even the most optimistic of dedicated LDS fans may finally admit that the ride is over. :unsure: Prove it wrong Daryl (or any other LDS member), please. Still my favorite plane of all time, they would have mopped up the dough if they coulda' pushed the 757 out the door, and imagine a new 767 up to today's levels of fidelity? OMG, I'd drop a C-bill in a heartbeat.
  7. I did leave the states! hehe. Its a very colorful airline!
  8. Persuaded to take some Pacific flights, this is an Island hop from Fiji to La Tontouta International Airport in New Caledonia. Pushing back from NNFN... Ready for departure Wheels coming up Steep right turn after departure Climbing to cruise Nice wing view of a lot of blue water! More shots of the arrival and landing later.
  9. Classic shot Aharon! Hope to give you another EAL soon.
  10. It would be!
  11. great paints John! Cathy is such a beautiful color scheme...hope they don't ever change it.
  12. Beta was the better format, but VHS somehow won that battle, hehe. Love shots 5 & 6, the mountains and mist are very atmospheric!
  13. Outstanding shots Ryan! These little guys fly over my house daily, and you've captured great angles on her. Keep flying the big stuff...it's fun to take them all over. (I'm currently taking a Spirit A320 from KDFW to KLAX...a real flight I'm doing next Friday)
  14. OMG...a Gary sighting! It's been what.....a million years? Great news on your new rig! I got one recently almost like yours...just need to get a 970 or 980...currently on a 660. Wonderful night shot! Hope to see more.
  15. Thanks guys! I made it to KDTW...had this beautiful sunset along the way....
  16. Yeah, she's a great painter, and paints unique liveries as well. In fact she painted and Evergreen L1011. :wink:
  17. Great shots Chris! Wait...there is somebody else who paints fictional cargo liveries for the 777F? I love it! Due tell where you got this livery? I couldn't find it at the Avsim library.
  18. Well Hamoody, if you decide to visit my house and take my computer, you have to finish all the paints in my hangar, including this one: :Whistle: I really like these colors, although the yellow (actually just about as much orange as yellow), is a very tricky color to get right due to shading and such...or else you guys would be flying this one already. Oh, and you'll have to port over all my 777 paints to the new 747v3 when PMDG releases it. :wink:
  19. I know right? Silly AI....think they own the sky! I was a straight out departure off 31L....enjoying the view when I saw him merging...I figured..."Meh, he'll probably pass close....not going to disrupt the passengers with an abrupt maneuver" hehe. It was close enough to freak out TCAS, but I saw we'd miss, and with all the crazy traffic in that area, if I turned to avoid him, I'd probably run smack dab into an RJ outta LGA or a Gulfstream outta Tetebourogh <sp>
  20. Tower advised me to keep American traffic in sight.... I did, and noted the pilot's eyes were hazel color as he flashed by, and I coulda' swore the woman sitting in 2A was Goldie Hawn!. :blink:
  21. Sweet shots Mike! Love the America West Retro...have to take a flight with her soon....just finished a Delta A319 KJFK-KDTW run, was a nice flight. Can you tell me if the 737s are PMDG? If so, which AA paint is that? I'm trying the best I can to acclimate to the new colors, in fact even did a flight with the new colors not too long ago. Keep the great shots coming!
  22. Love the tail and nose close-ups! Such a beautiful bird! Great shots Chris!
  23. Your logic is sound. I concur that the 787-9 is in the works and should be ready for sale by next week! (there is a complex formula I use to determine release dates. I'm not posting it here for fear that others may try to use it to estimate other dates, like when we'll see a 64bit P3D, when the Cubs win the World Series, etc)
  24. Well....I would be one of the many virtual pilots flying that PMDG 767....ohhh all the paints I could make for her...I'd transfer all my LDS 767 paints over for sure! :smile:
  25. Hehe...Chris (aka Pinlifter) neglected to enable his "just kidding" .dll when he posted that... The command should have been... /./||.run just-kidding.dll/ And a PMDG 787-9 if you look close enough at the hangars....OMG alert /./||.stop just-kidding.dll/ The QW 787 is looking very nice, unfortunately it seems to be in the same Area 51 hangar as the 747v2 is at the moment. :h0134: :h0120:
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