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About Johan_Dees

  • Birthday 03/26/1966

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    The Netherlands

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  1. https://books.google.nl/books?id=vy3cBZkjbZgC&printsec=frontcover#v=onepage&q&f=false Page 303 and further. Please note: 2.5 inches mesh resolution! Oh, and this one isnt mentioned.. never heard of it:
  2. Scolden no, but can you write a simple gauge that calls: - glideslope alive - glideslope captured - localizer alive - localizer captured - glideslope 100 above - glideslope 100 below - if more then 100 above or below a cal glideslope deviation - 80 knots - positive climb - passing 10000 feet You may use placeholders, I make my own wav files. :-)
  3. Looks an unflyable stutterfest to me..
  4. And then ? a copilot sitting there doing nothing ! Thats the biggest issue.. most developpers just let it raise the gear, and thats it. A bit help during an ILS approach would help, like calling out height, or when capture of deviating from it.
  5. Indeed, Vatsim has nothing to do with it. (altough Dave may like it, I dont. Flew it in the past when it was SATCO, but the PC's werent strong enough to enjoy it. And I hate seeing deserted airports like I am in the Langoliers movie, and then listen to 14 year old kids playing ATC) The ATC.DLL needs FS9.1 update, and helps a lot. Together with AI Smooth it will solve your problems. ALSO, oversaturation of the radios due to way to many AI of course will always be problem number one.
  6. Speeding up atc and ai talk with editvoicepack helps also. Faster responses. Less traffic of course helps also a lot. And, I use a modified atc.dll what doesnt constantly yell to anyone about climbing 100 feet, wat will saturate the radio, and thus atc. You can find it at calclassic.com forums here: http://calclassic.proboards.com/thread/4931/propliner-atc Works well for modern flying too!
  7. Hear! Hear! Yes, very good! Best post.
  8. In the Netherlands you have the rights to create panoramic views. Meaning you can make a picture of an airport. However, pictures of private property, behind a fence for example are not allowed. Creating pictures from within the fence you need approval. From the roadside, making a general picture is allowed. A general panoramic is just that.
  9. I just looked at Google Earth and saw that there are more countries then only the US. :-) I believe in the real world there are such restrictions.
  10. There migth be more.. Anyhow, I also now wonder if IVAO,VATSIM, and scenery creators have obtained the rights to: Use real livery artwork property of airlines Use models property design by aircraft manifacuters Use architectural rights on terminal constructions at airports Use of ground vehicles models, paintings, logo's etc etc.. Come on, ALL of the addon creators do copyright infringments.. can of worms!
  11. I tested with Scansim Billund and PMDG747, and gave me on a certain view 25 fps. Stayed the same, paused of unpaused. There was no difference. (older type i5 cpu) Something is wrong on your PC I think. Dont know what.
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