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About Epikk

  • Birthday 09/21/1973

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    Aviation, NBA, Flight Simming

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  1. Yes, absolutely, you will get those... dynamically, gradually. Been that way since P3D days actually. @ha5mvo
  2. I never saw visual ice accumulation anywhere (ice stick, windshields/windows, fuselage, over wings, leading edge) in the Fenix when flying into icing conditions... in the FSLabs you have all these visual cues to "warn you" of possible 'danger' and the dynamic effects that come with it. I never had to de-ice the Fenix. I never had to anti-ice it either. I can fly confidently in the Fenix in any kinda potential ice hazardous condition without even setting the AI on because and nothing will happen (correct me if I'm wrong of course), which isn't the case in the FSLabs... The experience is completely different in the FSlabs...
  3. Another thing the FSLabs does (and has been doing "the right way" for years) that the Fenix doesn't do is proper Winter OPS... I still don't understand why pilots and simmers still act like it's just gimmicks and still want to continue flying in a simulator where icing conditions have ZERO effect on your plane and the way your approach/plan your flight, etc... Strange to me...
  4. They keep raisng the bar. First day purchase for me... Plain and simple.
  5. Wow... That "FS9 Vibe" has been strong lately on XP12 with Toliss and now AKD...
  6. Hey - As of today, I'd go with Toliss.
  7. Several devs out there have been doing "non equalized" engine parameters for a long long time... it's not someting new or difficult to do. Definiterly a devlopper's choice. It's part of attention to details for me.
  8. Ahah ! It just kills the immersion factor for me... 😅
  9. No biggie - We all want and love good simming here. Cheers.
  10. Here's a good GE90 startup. Check the behavior... timings, EGT, Oil levels...
  11. @Franz007 I gave a few examples in one of my previous post (thinking it was obvious for everyone) but I'll try to illustrate. Again, this is fact and not bashing, trolling. None of that. So I talked about engine behavior in the FF777. - at startup... EGT rise is way too fast atm (you can probably find a good flightdeck 777 startup on YT and see it for yourself). This isn't how the 'Mighty' GE90 starts. - Engine Oil level remain the same. But IRL jet engine oil levels always decrease during/after engine start since a part of that oil is being pumped through the engine/isn't in the tank anymore. - once the engine are running with AT on, ALL parameters are always equal, ALL the time (personal preference and sim limitations I know but hey, IRL all parameters are always close but not ALWAYS the same and changing "in unissons"). Now, if you have a close look at engine behavior in the CL650 you'll observe proper (realistic/believable if you will) EGT rise once fuel is introduced, sutible variations in parameters when both engines are running... if you go further you'll see other true to life behaviors (that aren't found in the FF777 but might be in the PMDG777/All the above are). - Engine Oil pressure/viscosity is affected by temperature. - Start timing is affected by altitude and temperature (take a chrono and try starting the CL650 at 15°C OAT and then at 40°C OAT). - Realistic/believable representation of heat from the core before and after shutdown (depending on how hot your engine is when the fan starts turning you can see the EGT decrease before adding fuel/the same way you see it rise slowly at shutdown because the fan stop bringing cooler air through the engine) - Accessory gearbox inertia is taken into account - etc etc... You know Toto's way. Crazy... Ailerons and elevators shoudn't droop like they do in the FF777 once hyd pressure drops/after shutdown on the ground. There's a "PCU Blocking Mode" preventing them from doing this IRL. You should researsh it. Interesting read. The CAB ALT in the FF777 climbs very fast (compared to what I'm used to see) and almost always ends up at 8000ft. Which is "kinda" HIGH for this bird... Check it during your next flight. The fuel temperature is an easy one I think. No need to compare or anything it's just good sense. In the FF777 you can takeoff with 120T of fuel at say 30°C (again 120.000 liters liters !) and look at temperature again 30ish minutes later at say FL300 and it will show close zero degree and keep dropping below zero very quickly... Don't you agree such a huge amount of fuel cannot change temperature this quickly ? Check it during your next flight too... Now I'm going to stop here because I think it's clear FF can make good addons when they finish them. They just don't go "there"... wich is just absolutelly fine. This 777 is still at the beginning of its journey, let's see where they take us this time.
  12. No biggie guys - I just don't want it to go into a useless contest and a big a misundertanding. Maybe I unable to convey what I think/feel about FF, HS or PMDG. Maybe it's something else. Just know that I have all three addons and was trying to give my "honest" opinion about it... I tried to give some examples of behaviors that aren't realistic in the FF (and better modeled in other high-fidely addons) to explain what makes me see things that way... Franz, when I say, HS and FF are not in the same league, I'm not trying to diminish FF. I just really think they're not. Period. No more. No less. And I think FF and Toto aren't approaching simulation the same way, and it shows easily, again "system-wise". It's just another level if you're honest about it. Also, another thing that makes me say and think FF will not get (and aren't even interested in it tbh) to the CL650 level system-wise (and believe me I don't mind), is the fact that I think that it's not easy at all to do it Toto's way. In other words, I don't think you just wake up one day and do it... for many many reasons. But, that's just me, seeing things this way.
  13. Ok man, you're right - I'm just projecting my own negativity on the FF777v2.
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