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About shafs

  • Birthday 02/22/1964

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  • Interests
    Aircraft and Aircraft and Wife
  1. thanks
  2. Hi went to install my Js41 in Fsx steam and got mesg saying there was not installer? I have used the common file in steam apps to install my Q400. but this wont work for the JS41. can anyone advise my on how it works. Regards Paul
  3. I have the MD11 And would like to see if anyone could get it to do the bounce on landing. And see what happens.
  4. Thanks very much that worked
  5. Hi every time i try to install a livery the manager gives me this mesg, Can anyone help
  6. well don't forget tony abbott
  7. So do you want to fly around in the most unpopular PM plane, or as a Australian tax payer is it our plane!
  8. Thanks Di
  9. hay guys were do i get my nav data updates for the NGX?
  10. I was have some issues before the hot fix. Now all ok.
  11. I think that the airline and pilots both have a duty of care to the pax to make sure the no one flys into the ground. i know people who work there they refuse to fly with them.
  12. Yes we would rather be pilots. I have my PPL but don't use it. So if you have 100k you can buy the right seat at Jetstar or if you are brave you can head over to tiger and do a bit of low level stuff around YMAV
  13. I was from wyndhamvale.but just move to brisbane a few months ago. I was working at YMML as a works safety officer. so I was able get close to the aircraft. they had the 27/09 closed and made 16 shorter and we where working on the runway with aircraft comming in very low over our heads. All good fun
  14. yeah i would say you are right I will stick it on ebay. and run the other one till the 580s come down in price. So Andrew do you spot at YMML
  15. I am thinking of selling one of my GTX470s After some testing i have found there is no real improvement in FSX or COH. I was thinking of moveing up to a 570gtx but after reading reviews its not worth it. Back to the hard drives it seems it will be to my advantage upgrade.
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