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Status Replies posted by ryanbatc

  1. Hi Ryan,

    The lovely livery N134BB by "Crispy136" does seem to work well with Rob Young's G36TN. Just drop the livery into the Community folder (or use AddonsLinker).

    The only confusion might stem from Crispy136's not providing an explicit "ui_variation=" entry in the aircraft.cfg. [This can be a minor problem because MFS then assigns it a designation "livery 1". This is also assigned to one of Asobo's weird liveries.] If you add the specific line "ui_variation=N134BB", then the aircraft livery shows up nicely in MFS.

    You've done this with your own great paints. So all should be well.

    Best wishes,
    Mike MacKuen

    1. ryanbatc


      Hi Mike.  Mine shows up but I'm not certain it's the turbo mod.  It seems to fly differently than if I use the ones labeled "Turbo"

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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