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  1. FTX support over here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/forum/15-full-terrain-experience-ftx-payware-support-forum/
  2. Through the entire flight? I see what is there when I start EFB, but as I move away from the origin new traffic isn't displayed.
  3. ... just a gentle nudge to make this topic appear above the older one that has outdated information.
  4. Thank you for all the kind comments, I really appreciate it. There have been over 700 downloads from the Avsim file library and Megaupload combined in less than 24 hours, so I think the time invested in this has been well spent (and it has been a great learning experience).
  5. This is the completed version of the NGX tutorial. It takes you from entering a cold & dark cockpit at KIAH and all the way to the gate at KLAX with the airplane shut down and ready for the next sector. The intended audience ranges from those that are completely new to Boeing-type addons in FSX, to those who know how to get in the air and land, but would like a more solid understanding of the airplane and its systems. Compared to the excellent and extensive documentation that comes with the NGX, the main difference is that this tutorial is designed to be read sequentially rather than to be used as a reference. Due to bandwidth limitations with my hosting provider, I have uploaded this version to the Avsim file library (in the Flight Simulator X - Miscellaneous files section). Search for "ngxtutorialv1.zip". The download file contains versions formatted for both A4 and Letter paper. (If you prefer a direct link and don't mind all the advertisements, you can also download it here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H2MQG7AW). Feedback and comments are most welcome, as always. I plan to make a final update to the document sometime after PMDG releases SP1 for the NGX. Enjoy!
  6. The tutorial can be downloaded here until it becomes available in the Avsim file library: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=H2MQG7AW
  7. Francisco - I removed the files from my server a couple of hours ago. I've uploaded the final version to the Avsim file library, and at the moment I'm waiting for an administrator to approve the upload. I'll post an update when the file is available.
  8. The problem that I'm seeing on some descents is that the airplane pitches up and down repeatedly. When it happens it is typically flying 50' or so below the predicted path, slightly slower than the target airspeed. It looks like VNAV cannot make up its mind if it should pitch up to get back on profile, or down to increase airspeed. This is an idle descent, with the autothrottles in ARM mode. Adding thrust manually to help a bit doesn't solve the problem. When I hit LVL CHG the airplane immediately settles down in a rock-steady idle descent.
  9. Just as an FYI, I've uploaded the completed version to the AVSIM file library. The file is currently waiting for an admin to approve it. I have removed the incomplete version from my own server about an hour ago, so the download links don't work at the moment. I'll post updated download information as soon as I have it.
  10. I've seen this pitch up/down a few times in VNAV PTH, looks like some unfortunate combination of descent speed and winds. If it bothers me enough I switch to LVL CHG instead (at the programmed descent speed), this cures it completely.
  11. Yep, that's the one. If you already have it then I don't know. You did have autothrottle "ARM" annunciated on the PFD?
  12. I've seen the same before installing hotfix 4. I've only tried it once after HF4, and that time it did work, so you may want to install it if you haven't already.
  13. In the "unfiltered" mode I get traffic using both XPNDR 1 and 2. In the filtered mode that I normally use, I definitely get traffic on TCAS with XPNDR 2. I'll use the XPNDR 1 setting and keep an eye out ... EDIT: Just verified that XPNDR 1 works too in the filtered mode. Latest hotfix installed.
  14. Try posting a screenshot of the CDU RTE DATA page showing the problem, and the same waypoints on the CDU LEGS page. At what point are you trying to enter the winds? On the ground or in the air?
  15. I must admit I'm having trouble finding an authoritative source to quote, but it has always been my understanding that you cannot legally use the radio altimeter to determine the decision altitude / height on a CAT I ILS approach. At the point where you are 200' above the runway threshold you are still quite some distance away, and ground slope etc. could cause a significant deviation.
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