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  1. Well, I did. It would not work until I logged in.
  2. The Nvidia app and new DLSS 4 override function works for me on my 4090 RTX, just as described in the instructions. Options were greyed out for me too, until I did a full PC restart. Also, after installing the new Nvidia app, make sure you login to the app with your Nvidia account credentials. If you don't have any, you can create an account free. Those are the steps I did to make it all work.
  3. An often forgotten but really good GA aircraft for MSFS 2020 is the Just Flight PA-28 Tomahawk. This little trainer is pretty exceptional, and they added fully support for the TDS GTN and the PMS GTN. Fun little bird.
  4. Thanks for this update to Ramona Vincent! One of my favorite airports you've been working on and updating.
  5. When it's working for me, performance is better for me in 2024 than 2020. However, currently, 2024 CTD's on me about every third time, when I pick my aircraft (does not matter which one). That said, on my machine, 2020 performs very well also.
  6. Great stuff @vbazillio! And, Happy Holidays to you!
  7. I get no live traffic or non-live AI traffic. I get some parked planes, but nothing moving on the ground or in the air.
  8. Best wishes and Happy Holidays to all!
  9. This is awesome of you Vincent! Always a big fan of your sceneries, and Agua Dulce L70 is one of my favorites! Thanks for deciding to put in this effort to upgrade these. 🙂
  10. Good suggestion, but I have already tried that more than a few times. Also, the sim will load regardless. It is a Fenix flight that will not load. I can load a flight up with any other aircraft in MSFS (all default right now). I simply cannot get a Fenix flight to load.
  11. Okay guys, my turn for a Fenix problem. When they first said it was usable in MSFS2024, albeit experimentally, the Fenix A320 flew perfect for me...for two flights. Since then, I cannot get the plane to load up in MSFS2024. Whenever I hit the FlyNow button (or whatever it is labeled in MSFS2024) the map view attempts to zoom in through the clouds like normal as the flight loads, and then freezes. No matter how long I let it sit and think, it will never load. I can hot ESC and back out to the main menu, but then MSFS2024 will not exit. I have tried loading the Fenix app manually, and it makes no difference. I have nothing else in my Community folder. I am scratching my head on this. I have tried with various liveries thinking that might be the case. But, alas, no luck. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions? The aircraft still performs flawlessly for me in MSFS 2020.
  12. Yes, flat out Ultra. Have not turned anything down from the default Ultra settings. My PC info is in my signature below. I am running in full 4k on a 4k monitor, just as I was in 2020 with the same PC hardware. I am getting the same frames I was getting in 2020, BUT, that is because I use Riva Tuner to keep my frames locked at 63 which is roughly half of my monitor's refresh rate. So, my FPS in 2024 is the same as 2020, HOWEVER, I cannot run 2020 at all Ultra and further, the sim does not look nearly as good as 2024. And further yet, 2024 just is plain fluid. For me there are not micro stutters or pauses, and the two planes I have been flying mostly are the Fenix A320 and the A2A Comanche, BOTH which are performing well in 2024 for me. And further yet still, I am using GSX (as per FSDT's instructions for 2024) without issue when flying the Fenix. Other than the struggles logging in within the first 24 hours, I have not had any problems with MSFS 2024 with the way I have been using it. Not saying there are not any, just I have not encountered them.
  13. I don't know what to tell you, but I did a complete flight from EGSS to LIRQ and the Fenix performed without any bugs just like it did in 2020 last week, and it performs smoother for me in 2024. All the lights work, all the switches work for me, and I started cold and dark. I even had GSX working perfectly well with it as well. No strange graphics issues or anything. THE only issue I had were some intermittent sound issues, which are noted by Fenix as a known general bug with MSFS 2024. This is my experience, and I know it may not be this way for everyone, but the aircraft addon is capable of performing in 2024 as such.
  14. I agree, those two little things are really cool.
  15. Wow, the Fenix (and GSX) are both performing very beautifully for me in 2024. I wish it was for everyone else, because it looks fabulous in the improved lighting and ray tracing conditions.
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