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  1. I am not convinced yet. There is still so much to improve. And maybe some bugs will never get fixed… After over 20 years of Flightsim you get used to it 😔 For me MS and Asobo over promised and underdelivered! I know that’s hard but to pay a lot of money to buy into an alpha and claim it as a full release was a really bad move. The lack of official communication didn’t help either. At least we can enjoy a matured MSFS2020 for the time being and watch them bringing the MSFS2024 into a beta stage…
  2. After a bit of testing it is not what I have expected. So it might work but unfortunately not for me.
  3. Just found this... For me it works quite well.
  4. It is out... https://fenixsim.com/blog/entries/2024-11-07_sharket_update_released/
  5. Yes, I can confirm that.
  6. Control Wheel Steering (CWS) or Vertical Sync autopilot mode. This allows the operator to hold a button on the yoke to momentarily disconnect the autopilot pitch servos while manually adjusting the aircraft’s pitch. Releasing the button will have the flight director resume pitch holding at this new pitch.CWS can be triggered with either L:var_PilotCws or L:var_CopilotCws. If you wish to use the native event “K:SYNC_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR_PITCH”, then you must also use the “Control AP Pitch with Hardware Events” tablet option. “K:SYNC_FLIGHT_DIRECTOR_PITCH” cannot be used when “Control AP Pitch with Hardware Events” is not selected.
  7. I had the same issue. The cause was my Bravo Throttle since after the update it changed the preset to default. Therefore I was not able to flip the switches for all external light settings. Changed it back to a custom empty preset and everything is working again.
  8. Wait what??? I m so hyped now for that plane!!!! Big thank you to Black Square!!!!
  9. Baron is out! https://www.justflight.com/product/steam-gauge-overhaul-analog-baron
  10. Maybe this is something that you are looking for?
  11. Bert, Any Chance for me to get it as well? Thanks in advance!
  12. Hi Ben, Just wanted to know if you plan to update the data?
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