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  1. Christian Page began to release some DC-6 and their repaints over Flightsim.com. These covers essentially their use beginning seventies, in contrast to CalClassic. Bernard
  2. Which other flight simulators allow to fly in different eras (Roaring Thirties, war time or retro sixties) with adequate environments)? Let me know. Bernard
  3. This is done with AFX of Flight1. ] With its interface it allows to get a WYSIWYG mode and to handle very easy Afcad. Even to create them in middle of nowhere! Bernard
  4. Thanks Chris. I will give a try. Meanwhile I downloaded all Terry Boissel's FSX RAF airfields and converted the ADE files for FS9. I intend to install these without any objects. I'm running CalCassic, and most of these airfields where certainly still visible end Fifties / beginning Sixties. At least they would be some suitable landmarks without any function. Bernard
  5. What do you mean by "my" Croft Farm X5XR? Did you a scenery of this airfield? Bernard
  6. Glad that most of the files are linked with this site here! Bernard
  7. There have been done several successful conversions on other websites. Bernard
  8. Creating yourself AI helicopter traffic isn't that complicated. Heli Traffic 2009 is clearly dynamic based than AI.
  9. I had this problem too. Mostly it was due to an incompability of an aircraft or scenery. Obvisouly MS is short on other messages, so it choose what it has available! I would souggest to deactivate all your addon sceneries in scenery.cfg down after the Area "Propeller Objects". Replace all "Active=TRUE" by "Active=FALSE". Needless to say that you should backup scenery.cfg file first! If FS is running again, you have to activate the addons step by step and package-wise. Best use a tool like FS Scenery Manager.
  10. Quit possible. FSTflatten doesn't work neither. Solution: go back to Win7. There is no reason to stay with Win10.
  11. I would install "Autosave". So at least you know where the issue happens. Then you should backup your scenery.cfg and deactivated all sceneries and aircraft by renaming the folder temporarly. After having got an almost "virgin" FS9 you might restart at the last saved situation by Autosave. I would even install an additional basic FS9 and see what happens. Don't forget to backup FS9.cfg first. If basic FS9 is working correctly, than you could paste on sceneries and aircaft step by step and restart your FS9 every time at the said situation. It takes some time, I agree, but it could be a solution.
  12. Latest Nvidia drivers don't automatically mean best graphic results. I went back to 361.91 version. So eventually reinstall the driver you used before..
  13. Thanks Joe. That's what I thought about.
  14. @gwillmot: The scenery is at highest priority. BTW, I just realized that I did a typing error - airport code is of course SKBO and not WKBO as metioned in the topic title. @A32xx: Installing the two further sceneries doesn't change anything. And no need to have it in bold letters. Even at 71 I'm still able to read all answers here and the readme's too!
  15. All object libraries are installed. All other buidlings and objects are shown correctly as far as I could notice.
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