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Clem Wu

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Everything posted by Clem Wu

  1. Would it possibly be a problem or a missing line from your aircraft.cfgs?
  2. Brilliant set. Yes, everything ANA.
  3. ORBX P3D Migrator Tool is now released :) http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/44718-orbx-p3d-migrator-tool/
  4. Wow, awesome shots!
  5. Awesome, thank you for the directions.
  6. That is just...stunning...! WOW!
  7. Jaw dropping! As I acquired NRM recently, I would like to visit this area. Could you please give me directions to this location?
  8. Very nice. Been going to the REX forums a lot and the news on Essential is amazing.
  9. Haha nice one! Hope he made it down safely :)
  10. Superb pic mate!
  11. Wow, that is one cool lake! What scenery is featured in this picture?
  12. Yeah..wait..that's FS? That's one realistic shot!
  13. A new addition to my airports, Cessnock Airport. Watch out for the lightning, don't get struck! Enjoy! Feedback appreciated.
  14. Simply superb shots!
  15. Rick, that looks like the default 208 Caravan and the default Maule to me.
  16. That's just amazing, with that type of 2cm/pixel textures!
  17. Simply a brilliant shot Howard!
  18. Pretty big announcement. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/44575-orbx-expansion-plans-and-roadmap-may-2012/ Big road ahead!
  19. That was one awesome video Doug!
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