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Clem Wu

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Everything posted by Clem Wu

  1. Wow! Superb shots!
  2. No worries Ron and Carl, its a pleasure. Misha, thanks for the heads up on that, product page only but product is still in mid beta ;)
  3. I guess I can revise my list as well. 1. AU SP4 Australia 2. NA PNW Pacific North West 3. NA NRM Northern Rocky Mountains 4. NZ SI New Zealand South Island 5. 3W5 Concrete 6. 1S2 Darrington 7. W52 Goheen 8. YCNK Cessnock Bought NRM and YCNK yesterday, looking good and can't wait for some exploring :)
  4. Superb shots!
  5. Just picked up NRM and can't wait to try it out after what has been discussed here! Are there any places you suggest to visit first?
  6. I didn't really expect to see this! And 'Sharklets' not 'Winglets!' :LMAO:
  7. You are in need of the UIautomationcore http://www.realenvironmentxtreme.com/forums/index.php?/topic/10377-windows-7-64-and-the-uiautomationcore-problem/
  8. You're flying pretty high, so high that you can see space! Or maybe that's just the night sky, my bad! Great image :)
  9. Yes, awesome edit!
  10. Nice angles in those shots Jeroen.
  11. That sure was windy, but cool crosswinds!
  12. Superb set! The detail in XP10 looks really nice.
  13. There's a blank texture that can be found here. Don't know if it helps, but hopes it does!
  14. Fully back up now.
  15. Yup, and its nearly over. I might grab something tomorrow.
  16. Jaw Dropper!
  17. Cool shots!
  18. It's an excellent aircraft! Great capture!
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