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Clem Wu

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Everything posted by Clem Wu

  1. Lovely set.
  2. Really good for pictures that are 12+ years old! Nice shots.
  3. This video is the first video of FullThrottleProductionsX, a joint channel between a good friend, and I, about the Orbx Moorabbin Airport. Hope you enjoy the video!
  4. There's a company called Horizon Simulations which you can check it out here. I don't have the product so I can't say anything about it.
  5. Wowee. Dangerous!
  6. No worries :)
  7. Congratulations Eric and Derek, as well as the other contestants.
  8. This link shall help you.
  9. Wow loving that commentary! Superb!
  10. Stunning picture!
  11. It was released on AVSIM. It can be found here.
  12. I use it sometimes when I do IFR, which is rarely. I do use a edited version of FSX ATC, which can be changed by the freeware EditVoicePack.
  13. New linking system by AVSIM
  14. Thanks Bill! Remember, Pacific North West is required for Concrete to fully work and look its best :)
  15. The precision is amazing. In that last shot the ball is just rolling away. Better keep the ball safe, don't let it cause any trouble to the aircraft! :D
  16. Thanks for your compliments guys! Hugo, I am using Real Environment Xtreme 2.0 OverDrive clouds, with Cumulus Cloud set 51 and Cirrus Cloud set 27.
  17. This video is a joint project between my good friend Misha and I, about the fantastic FREEWARE Orbx Bowerman Airport. Hope you enjoy the video!
  18. ORBXLIBS 120328 for P3D are here now. http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/44016-orbxlibs-120328-for-p3d-are-now-available/
  19. Very cool tweaks, and an interesting blog. http://fsxtimes.wordpress.com/ By Tom Tsui :)
  20. Yes, the 5-8 of PNW is what I have as well. I believe its how orbx does it.
  21. TeamSpeak is sure fun. I've met a couple of the AVSIM team there and its been highly enjoyable!
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