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Clem Wu

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Everything posted by Clem Wu

  1. Flight time will be 5 hours, time before departure will be 8 hours. Nice screenie bud!
  2. Thanks for the HU! Downloading it now!
  3. Used Opera for quite a few years, and finally moved to Chrome late last year due to Opera's scripting issues. Chrome is a great balance between all the browsers, and Firefox takes up too much memory, while Safari is missing a lot of functionality.
  4. Just saw this on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.440018499408303.1073741826.129839447092878&type=1
  5. Terrific video but I did a lot of skipping too. Seems like he has a LOT of errors at 27:20 hah!
  6. Cheers gents. Very much appreciated! Haha not quite so mate. This is FSX with the orbx NZSI scenery and the Classic Wings Sopwith Camel.
  7. Thanks! And no worries Owen, glad you like it; I sure do!
  8. Full size: http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2013/02/22/3eARB.jpg http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2013/02/22/AROmQ.jpg http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshotsv2/images/2013/02/22/UnC8M.jpg Cheers
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