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Clem Wu

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Everything posted by Clem Wu

  1. Thank you for your kind words all
  2. Superb set, very interesting composition.
  3. Thank you for your compliments! Yes, all within PNW. Concrete and Israel's Farm are also featured in this set. Thanks Larry! This is my first time using this effect and I used the Iris Blur function instead of the Tilt-Shift function. Using the tilt shift function would remove the blurs on the side. I'll try using this technique soon again! Cheers
  4. Thank you very much Owen, much appreciated. I learnt from tilt-shifting this set that you can't over-blur nor-oversaturate! The scenery in the first image is orbx's Portland City freeware with the PNW region scenery. HAHA maybe... just maybe.. Cheers!
  5. Hi all! I would like to start my 2013 set of screenshots with this set It's a technique called tilt-shift, which makes things 'miniature' with some blurring. First time using this effect, enjoy! Feedback appreciated! Cheers
  6. Haha great video! He's got some other crazy videos on his channel, such as the default 747 equipped with afterburner..... reaching Mach 3
  7. Much more modern looking for sure.
  8. That was awesome! Thanks for sharing
  9. Yes, what you are saying is true, as EZCA is a lot more functional than Accu-Feel. Personal preference really, I quite like the touchdown sounds. But everybody is entitled to their own opinion I believe EZCA is also ~ twice the cost of Accu-Feel?
  10. I love Accu-Feel. EZCA also has views, but that really isn't necessary unless you are making videos. Accu-Feel to me is the way to go, but then again I don't have experience with EZCA, so I cannot provide a proper verdict. I am happy with Accu-Feel and what it provides me as a pilot/user.
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