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Everything posted by scotchegg

  1. Does it add cloud turbulence to MSFS live weather in passive mode?
  2. Love CGAviator. Expertise and childlike enthusiasm in one package.
  3. I think I was hinting that boomers got their money very easily compared to the previous and following generations but look down on the following generations who are unlikely to ever experience the luxury of not needing or wanting (more) money.
  4. Another city update next month? I really would prefer more world updates…
  5. Where does it get weather from for countries with no / few metars?
  6. Happy to see so many Asian airports in that list. Hoping that 2024 improves those parts of the world even more.
  7. I just like the idea of being in a global weather system, one where I can see weather in the distance and watch it approach or recede, or for me to go nearer or further away. Even though it makes no practical difference to my flight in Czech that the weather in Tanzania is different but part of the same framework, it helps my immersion to know that it is, and impedes my immersion to know that the weather I'm experiencing in one place is being repeated the world over. Daft, I know...
  8. With the historical weather, cloud turbulence and more ‘active’ atmosphere, this may be worth a punt even before we know more about 2024’s weather. Guess it’s down to the pricing now for me.
  9. Do you think the headphone simulation in msfs compares well to this experience?
  10. I've often wondered just how much noise the best headsets can cancel in real life, coz the headphone simulation in MSFS seems to cancel quite a lot.
  11. Very interesting, but wanna see what native 2024 can do first.
  12. Not sure I need any more German cities in high quality...
  13. ‘Something is bad if it’s not attached to something good’ is pretty low-quality logic. edit: and imho, the msfs 172 is already pretty good.
  14. Anyone noticing any difference from the memory optimization?
  15. Hoping and praying I’m wrong, but things that will disappoint me if left unchanged in 2024 are: 1) clouds 2) clouds 3) clouds 4) clouds
  16. Oh, that’s amazing, you weren’t actually joking😅 Yes Goran, I’m happy to ride the train you’ve painstakingly built over all these years. A) How many scieeenshots do you have? B) Can you identify exactly who said ‘nail in the coffin’? C) Do you have a screenshot of me asking if you’d support Janov’s misogyny in front of your daughter (the one you yourself have mentioned so many times in these forums)?
  17. It might make you feel better if you tag the person / people who actually said it. Do you know (someone) who actually said it? If not, Goran has said on many occasions that he keeps a library of screenshots of posts badmouthing XPlane, so please ask him to help👍🏻😊
  18. Jorg said they were mulling just buying a company / plane to do TIN themselves, so hoping they do that and then buy a sub to do bathymetry so we don't need to fart around with masks anymore🙃
  19. Ah, apologies. Mine were the words of a man getting the wrong end of the stick.
  20. Ironic from the guy who started with ‘How can they cock up something so comprehensively’ after he had a bad connection or something.
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