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Posts posted by styler360

  1. Hi all,


    for me it has been - related to flight sims - the most surprising but also worst news ever heard. Flight has got the most important things, a Flight Sim must have. The phyiscs come very very close to reality combined with beautiful graphics at 60 fps constantly. But what am I talking ... its over, due to not being profitable. Really? There are much more players in multiplayer than in Wings of Prey, Cliffs of Dover, Apache, IL2 1946 together, not to speak about, X-Plane. So why can they afford it and Microsoft not? And after a long time of developement, why dropping this game after only 6 months? I would spend a lot of money, if I only could. I bought all the VC less crap, to support MS to build more, no matter what. Its only sad. So I am of for flying RL, but the weather is not always brilliant on weekends.


    So I tried to find new alternatives.

    I bought AeroflightFS, A10 Warthog, Wings of Prey, Cliffs of Dover, Rise of Flight (some of them I already have for quite some times).


    What I was absolutely impressed of, were the graphics an the atmosphere of Wings of Prey, a game, now for not more than 10 bucks. Of yourse cliffs of dover is more realistic, but graphics are crap and stuttery. Wings of Prey are nailed to 60 fps with unbelievable good looking graphics. So I found myself fighting till late in the evening having great fun.


    Than I wondered what this company also developed a found some good news and videos about War Thunder (formerly word of planes) which is in Beta now. They also have Hawaii there :-)


    So I would appreciate to see some of us in the MP of Wings of Prey or War Thunder when it is released.






    PS: I have nothing to do with those sims, I am just searching for having fun in flying around in beautiful environment. I will miss Flight very much!

  2. My flying club has to replace our Remo 400 for towing gliders. We had to choose between the Carbon Cub and the Dynamics. The Carbon Cub didn't made it, because the view outside is limited due to the high wings. Now we will buy the Dynamics, which I would also like to see in Flight, esp. with retractable gear. For towing gliders in high traffic the view outside, when turning around is essential. Too bad I will never fly a Carbon Cub in RL, at least not in the near future.


    Have you tried using the adaptive v-sync setting in the nvidia control panel? It should get rid of that drastic drop off from 60 to 30fps, or 30 to 20fps. Some people complain about screen tearing when you go below 60fps, but it's worth trying.


    In the control panel I "let the application decide". Should I use individual settings for adaptive v-sync and disable the ingame v-sync?


    Thanks for all your comments!


    So the point is, getting over 30 FPS, probably won't make any difference in how it looks.


    As the refreshing rate of the monitor is 60Hz, it makes a BIG difference. Believe me, the difference is like night and day, when the fps drop from 60 to 30 (v-sync on), especialle when panning around with trackIR all the time.


    With weather and scenery density set to medium, i can keep my 60 fps. I can live with that.


    Will there be a huge improvement, if I upgrade to a i5 2550k, or sth. thelike?

  5. Hi, as I am strongly addicted to flight already flying it for more than 80 hours I ask you as experts for hardware, how to upgrade my current system.

    I want 60 fps with high/ max details in strong weather conditions in Flight.


    My system:

    i5 750 @ 4,0 Ghz

    MSI Nvidia 560 Ti Twin Frozr 1GB

    12 GB RAM 1300 Mhz

    500 GB Spin Point F3

    NEC 27, 1920 x 1200


    New processor, or SSD?

    Or a complete new gaming machine?

  6. We should get more feedback, of what is going to be implemented in the future. For me, as long as there is no multiplayer for now, I only do some patterns from time to time. There is less life than in FLIGHT, too bad. I really like to see the Austrian Alps, Multiplayer and different weather themes and seasons!


    But they are working on it.

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