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Posts posted by bernd1151

  1. Gents, thank you for your kind comments!!

    10 hours ago, andiflyit said:

    I remember that from the news when I was a boy and at wiki they say that 30% of the over 900 german starfighters have crashed.

    Yeah, the widowmaker made the news quite often in its early days. In its later days, it became much more dependable. There was a (not very good) joke in those days in Germany: how can you get a Starfighter? Buy a piece of land and wait.  😉

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  2. Many thanks my friends for your kind comments!

    4 hours ago, P_7878 said:

    Was it the "Classics Hangar" FWs that I used to fly in past SIMs...? These airplanes were always a challenge to get to grips with ...🙂.

    Yes P_7878, that was the "Classics Hangar" model. I once even managed to convert it to MSFS standard, with the usual disadvantage of such port-overs: nothing is clickable in the cockpit.

    4 hours ago, P_7878 said:

    You're flying and landing here like a Pro...🙂..

    You are too kind 🙂

    4 hours ago, Tim-HH said:

    I'm still trying to convince myself that I don't need the 190. These shots don't help

    I know that feeling only too well, Tim 😉 

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  3. 1 hour ago, sloppysmusic said:

    How do you turn the cabin off on 380?

    There are 4 silver squares behind the co-pilot's seat at the top. The leftmost one switches off the cabin display. However, I believe for this to take effect, MSFS must be restarted. I have seen that when I click the switch, the cabin disappears even without restarting MSFS. But then the textures are loaded anyway, and that's exactly what we want to prevent

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