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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. Cool plane and nice shots, buddy !! It's a bit different to your usual tube flying routine 😊🙂
  2. Nice looking planes, T. As you know, I'd prefer the Connie, but the Bus looks nice too 🙂🙂
  3. Thanks for commenting, Jan and Patrick !!
  4. Great job on the paint, Jan !!
  5. Very nice shots. I bought her yesterday. As you said, she flies well and it is really fun to explore her interior 🙂
  6. I think I know the answer, P_7878 😊 Because here in Germany, while Lufthansa was still operating D-AQUI, a few "privileged", or should I say "lucky" A-380 captains flew that Ju-52 in their spare time. And those other LH pilots, who did not get the chance to do so, were really jealous. So I guess this Air Canada Airbus captain could have been a bit jealous too 🙂
  7. Three epic shots, buddy. Like John I like the middle one the most.
  8. Nice screenie, T !!
  9. Hi T, yeah, it's the Red Wing bird. Flies really nicely.
  10. Many thanks Will, PM, John and P_7878 for your kind comments !!
  11. Excellent shots, but where did the B707 in your fifth shot come from. She looks like the good old FSX Captain Sim bird 😀
  12. Excellent shots, thanks for taking us along to enjoy your trip !
  13. This time with the good old Connie Passing by Wrangell And now close to Petersburg Getting ready for Juneau Thanks for viewing.
  14. Hey, you took them all out of my hangar 😀😀😀 Sorry, just a little joke, because I love them too and I seem to have the same ones you have. The only one I haven't seen here is the Connie. Well worth it !
  15. Thank you all for your kind comments, my friends Yes it was 😀
  16. Excellent screenies, buddy !
  17. I thought I clean my good old Ju-52 a little bit and take her out for a spin Thanks for viewing
  18. Very well done Jan. What program do you use to have this multi plane set-up, if I may ask.
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