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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. Cool ! I like your engine shots 🙂
  2. Great shots and I agree with you, this plane is really well made and there is so much to discover in it.
  3. Many thanks my friends for your kind comments !! This is with the ORBX Alaska mesh, but I think that default is by now almost as good
  4. Cool shots, Hal !!
  5. What an adventure
  6. Very nice shots Jack and as Andy already suggested, the missing tires are defintely a texture issue. Once ,when you have time, check, whether this occurs also on other locations with trucks
  7. Two great shots of this iconic plane, buddy !!
  8. Great shots, thank you so much Andy!! I can see from your pics, that the UA plane has 1. class both upstairs and in the nose of the plane. That was the same in their 747SP, which has carried me so often across the Pacific in great comfort . Man, I love that plane 🙂
  9. Good question, Martyn. In the beginning she was a handful. So I opted to start and land her only on grass. After I had mastered this I ventured to concrete runways. Now, I guess, with quite some training I can get her up and land again without major hickups on any surface. The most important thing for me was, and in this respect the Spitfire is much easier to handle, to apply power very very sloooooowly. As soon as you get the tail up and find yourself still on the runway, things start to brighten up 😀
  10. Magnificient stuff Andy. Thanks for taking us along When you had the chance to see the interview at the recent Flightsim Expo in Houston with ORBX's present CEO, they sure have lost it. I don't even think that she has a clue what ORBX in the FS world is (or better: was) all about. Having lost most of their talented modelers, she now wants to venture into other games outside the FS world.
  11. Thank you all very much for your kind comments, my friends !!
  12. Magnificient screenies, Andy. How's the VC of that bird?
  13. Excellent shots buddy !!
  14. Thank you very much for commenting, P7878 !! And regarding your comment re my earlier post, I have to say you have an excellent memory 😀 The early versions were built at Bayrische Flugzeugwerke and thus called Bf 109, the later versions were built at the Messerschmitt facility and that is why called Me 109. Like you (and almost all German pilots at that time) I prefer the Messerschmitt term 🙂🙂
  15. Today I need to get up early for some mountaineering near Capetown 🙂 Thanks for viewing
  16. Great shots, buddy, and the livery is awesome !
  17. These are fantastic, Darryl !!
  18. Great shots of the superb F-14, Patrick, and happy 4th of July from Germany to you too, my friend !!
  19. Great screenies Johnny ! 😉🙂
  20. Many thanks Will and PM !
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