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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. Great shots, buddy, and the livery is awesome !
  2. These are fantastic, Darryl !!
  3. Great shots of the superb F-14, Patrick, and happy 4th of July from Germany to you too, my friend !!
  4. Great screenies Johnny ! 😉🙂
  5. Many thanks Will and PM !
  6. Terrific shots, buddy. In one of you rlanding shots one can see a portion of the large Lufthnsa Technik hangar.
  7. Cool shots, Andy, she is a bit wobbly indeed, especially when you try to land her properly. 🙂 Plenty of speed is of essence. The PMDG DC-6 I can get down better 🙂
  8. Very nice shots, buddy !!
  9. I take off from Dillingham Once you have survived the take-off, she is a real pleasure to fly 😉 Thanks for viewing!
  10. Lancaster Blenheim He 111 Me 262 And outside this post of warbirds: a decent Do-27, the best one we ever had was the one from Digital Aviation for FS9. Man, I just loved it 🙂
  11. Many thanks Gerold, the final parking location is part of the plane's package. as is the buoy you can see in the first picture and the tug boat 🙂
  12. That's what I found out too. Strange that these things slip through during final testing.
  13. Thanks again, my friends for your comments! Exactly, Andy. I remember, when they announced that they will bring the plane also to MSFS, some here suggested to include a full spec interior. I even sent them quite a few pictures and design drawings. I couldn't find it either, so I switched, before I started the flight, the simulator to constant fuel supply. I know, it's cheating, oh well...🙂🙂
  14. Thank you all for your kind comments, my friends !! And I would join you in a heart beat 🙂 I fully agree with you, Dillon Sure does, buddy 🙂🙂
  15. Marvelous shots, buddy. Next to the Concorde I think the Connie is the most beautiful passenger plane ever created
  16. Very nice picture, I hope we will get ths plane in MSFS too.
  17. You always surprise us, Will. Sometimes, when looking at your shots, I think it can't get much better than this, until you come up with another set of screenies 😃
  18. Very nice, Andy. Were you flying over default scenery? And don't worry, as long as your plane is not yellow and you don't fly inverted under bridges, you'll be fine. We all know, who's famous for this kind of stunt 😄😄
  19. Cool shots, Andy! That is precisely the reason, why I don't touch XP12, because I would do the same 😃
  20. Excellent screenies, buddy 🙂
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