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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. Very creative, Filou !!
  2. Interesting scenery you cross, Jack. That's a place I have never been to.
  3. Very nice effort, look very much forward to it !!
  4. This is a nice hop in the Carenado Seneca and for sightseeing purposes I deviated often from the direct flight path 🙂 Thanks for viewing
  5. Very interesting shots, Johnny !! This observation by Jack tells us best, how far we have come in our flight simulation 😀
  6. Oh yes, it does. But the good thing is, MSFS comes in many cases pretty close 🙂
  7. Even better than the Victoria Falls by the same company, because it's just bigger. Time to get the heli out 😀
  8. Many thanks Will and PM !! I think so too, and we are taliking here about default MSFS scenery 🙂
  9. Thank you Jack and John. My mistake, I should have mentioned that I served once for a couple of years as officer in the Luftwaffe, where I was in charge of a small airport near Munich. A friend of mine, with whom I was trained at the officers academy, was in charge of a neighboring air base that was home to a Transall squadron. That gave me the opportunity to a couple of very interesting flights 😉 I also had the jet passenger card. It was not needed for the Transall, but for my two flights in the two-seater TF-104G, but that is for another story 😀😀. Things like that would not be allowed today anymore, so I guess I was lucky.
  10. Quite a unique approach to flying, Andy 😉 But maybe too many flies in your mouth after this 😉
  11. Great to have you back my friend and what an entry 😄😄
  12. What a great looking bird 😉
  13. With the Transall the Luftwaffe flew over the last forty to fifty years countless emergency food supply missions to this part of the world. This is an early paint that was used in the 1980s. The orange part never lasted long and soon faded out. I was lucky to have flown in this bird quite a few times. This Azurpoly version is pretty much spot on. The Blue Eye of the Sahara is a prominent geological formation in the Sahara desert that stretches across a 40km wide region in Mauritania Quite colorful the Sahara North of Agadir. I hope we will also get some civilian liveries for the C160 Long final runway 35R Looking good Thanks for viewing
  14. Great shots buddy. Is your slide show now a thing of the past?
  15. Hmmh...something appears to interfere with your data streaming when I look at the last few pics, Jack.
  16. Great part 1, Jack. Strange what happened to you in this FPS friendly environment.
  17. Fantastic shots mixed with some scary ones, Will, as you had some very close encounters 🙂
  18. Salamat po, buddy, for posting these shots, they are excellent !!
  19. Many thanks, Erich.
  20. Thank you all for your kind comments, John, Will, PM, WingZ and Jack !! Luckily I didn't have any such issues. I once read that one of many possible factors could be reduced power settings, which make engines more prone to icing.
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