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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. Great shots, buddy. Now you touch an area that I really like. Interesting that you took along a fighter pilot in full gear 😀😀
  2. Many thanks, P_7878. Steinbeck's "Travels with Charlie" is an absolute classic!!.Here in Germany there was on TV a series, where an American-German followed in 2019 Steinbeck' route with his own dog and pick-up. I loved watching it !
  3. Thanks a lot, Patrick, Darryl, Efis, Gerold and P_7878 for your kind comments !! I agree, P_7878, the PNW is a most enjoyable area to keep exploring. 😊
  4. Thanks a lot for your comments, PM, Jack, John and Will !!
  5. Many thanks, Gerold. Also the sound is quite impressive with this add-on scenery. Here is a link to it: https://secure.simmarket.com/jeppeson2001-victoria-falls-scenery-package-zimbabwe-msfs.phtml
  6. Wonderful set of shots, PM !
  7. Very nice screenies, Jack !
  8. Max is our Golden Retriever. The animals in this very nice add-on (if you are into this kind of flying) are animated Come on Mäxchen, let’s hit the pillow Early next morning we do a short sight-seeing flight Time for a coffee Thanks for viewing
  9. Many thanks WingZ and Jack for commenting !! It must have been rather noisy indeed, Jack 😉😉
  10. Many thanks for your comments, John, Will and PM 😉
  11. Many thanks, P_7878!!
  12. Wonderful shots, PM. I never forget, many moons ago my wife and I flew with the DC 3 on safari in Kenya 😉
  13. Wonderful shots, Darryl !!
  14. I start from the Prince Rupert Seal Cove Seaplane Base. The plane is one of the MSFS local legends, the Savoia-Marchetti S.55 hydroplane. Thanks for viewing
  15. Oh yezzzz, she is a beauty. 😉 Thanks for showing her again !
  16. Jack, Will, PM thanks for your comments !!
  17. Great shots !! +1
  18. And a perfect landing, Very nice sceenies, buddy 😉
  19. You do get around, Jack. Great shots !!
  20. +1 You must spend a good deal of time to create these excellent shots, they are realy superb!!
  21. Great paint job, Jan !!
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