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Everything posted by bernd1151

  1. And a perfect landing, Very nice sceenies, buddy 😉
  2. You do get around, Jack. Great shots !!
  3. +1 You must spend a good deal of time to create these excellent shots, they are realy superb!!
  4. Great paint job, Jan !!
  5. Very nice again, Jack. What weather preset do you use, or do you fly with real weather?
  6. Nice flying again, buddy!
  7. A very nice shot indeed, buddy !!
  8. Great shots, Patrick and no worries, there just aren't enough shots of F14s. Ever ! 😄
  9. Many thanks, John Thanks a lot, luckily I haven't experienced any issues such as stutters or similar problems. If you don't use helis, maybe you can try an ultralight 😉 I haven't checked frames, as I didn't see a need to. Thanks, Will. Yeah, I did, but it was worth it 😄😄 Thanks, Jack and the thundering sound was very immersive too Many thanks, Patrick. Don't try it in one of your fighter jets 😄😄
  10. Oops, where did this guy come from Maybe I better get out of here This was plenty of fun 😉
  11. Thank you all very much for commenting !!
  12. Traveling in style indeed, Jack 😉 And great screenies to prove it !
  13. Superb shots, Will. But does Ryan Air pay you enough to keep flying their birds. I once read that their salaries are lousy 😀😀
  14. Those pictures look really nice, buddy, no worries. Btw, one of the most important things with this bird is to keep the tail up after touch down as long as possible. Otherwise you won't be able to steer her.
  15. Ooops, the landing was a bit bumpy 🤢 Thanks for viewing
  16. Great shots and another superb repaint !
  17. Superb shots, buddy. The plane is a classic !!
  18. Yeah, I know. Do you also have their other defult plane conversions? They are all very good, especially the one for the King Air !
  19. Cool stuff, Jack. I also like your plane with the steam gauges 🙂
  20. Thank you all gents; I'm happy that your like this little tour of mine Thanks John. I just love flying these old birds. They have so much character 🙂
  21. Excellent, thank you so much !!
  22. Great shots of an oldie and goodie; reminds me, I haven't used the DC 3 for quite some time 🙂
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