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Posts posted by bernd1151

  1. 3 hours ago, Ron Attwood said:

    I bought it a few minutes ago. Did an Cntl+E start (I'll learn it properly later. No, really) and took of with no anxiety (unlike the AH P-51!) flew it around and landed it. I have only one complaint...It sounds like a pre-war John Deere. 🤣 I don't suppose the Germans had much access to Merlins back then.

    Nice plane. looks good. A keeper

    Ron, when it comes to the sound, you are correct..and then you ain't. 😉 I just did a short hop and loved it, much easier to get airborne than in the Spitfire and Bf109. Landing is easier too. The sound on the outside is pretty close to the real thing. Sometimes you can hear them on YT. My problem is the sound inside the cockpit. For me, it doesn't sound like a John Deere, more like a Curtiss Jenny on steroids 😄

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