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Posts posted by Continental737

  1. So NPA is LNAV V/S and LP all have MDA(H) but do you still add + 50 to the MDA(H)


    Only do this if you are flying an approach to an MDA and using VNAV coupled to your autopilot to controll your descent rate to the MDA. adding 50 ft to the MDA will give you a DDA (derived decision altitude). If you are using V/S to descend just use the published MDA. 


    Since the 737 has VNAV and IAN (if you select it) you can for example, fly a VOR approach with the autopilot tracking the VOR for lateral guidance and VNAV controlling you vertical guidance. In this setup it would be appropriate to use a DDA (MDA+50).

  2. Hi,


    I haven't flown her in a while, so today I planned a flight from Phoenix Sky Harbor KPHX to John Wayne Orange County KSNA. In the star page there are no entries for stars or runways. In the 777 they are all there. I'm using the latest Navigraph 1410. What am I missing here? Can someone with the MD-11 and the latest Navigraph cycle check and see if you have any entries on the star page for KSNA.





    The better questions is why are you trying to take an MD-11 into SNA.  :rolleyes: 

  3. Really? I didn't know that. That's quite interesting, thanks! :)

    But that does not necessarily mean if an operator has both 777s and 787s that pilots will fly both types. At United for example they operate the 777 and 787 as separate fleets, so a 787 pilot cannot fly a 777 even though they have a 777 type and 787 differences training.

  4. DME arcs in an airliner can be flown two ways. First, the DME arc can be coded in the FMC data base if it is part of a published instrument approach procedure. Then the crew just uses LNAV and follows the ARC which was loaded from the data base. Second you can creat your own unpublished DME arc by using the format ABC010/10 and insert it into the legs page to create your own arc. ABC being the reference VOR, and 010/10 being the radial and distance. For example if I wanted to start a 10 DME arc from the LAX VOR on the 040 radial and exit on the 090 radial I would enter LAX040/10, LAX050/10, LAX060/10...LAX090/10 in the FMC, then use LNAV to fly the arc.

  5. With the removal of the -500 series over the summer United has been slowly changing from the EFIS/MAP to PFD/ND setup, they issued a bulletin to there pilots in January about the change. All new 737s which arrive are now equipped with the PFD/ND.

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