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Jim Young

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Everything posted by Jim Young

  1. Just clear the data 128 msg from the FMS. It does not cause a crash and will have no affect on the flight. I am going to have to close this topic as this is not the support forum for Eaglesoft. This is the AVSIM CTD Forum. So, if you are not getting crashes, then post the problem over in the Eaglesoft forums. The data 128 error is a common error in the FMS. Thanks for everyone's cooperation.
  2. The g3d.dll error is difficult to fix. The freeware fsuipc utility traps this error in FSX in most cases.
  3. This is an easy one. The module is connected to AI even if traffic is not on. Many of the Orbx sceneries have static AI which is on even with the AI slider turned off. The two freeware products in the Seattle area are suspects. More info in the AVSIM CTD Guide, page 28. Best regards,
  4. The AVSIM CTD Guide has guidance on page 32 for the Kernelbase.dll error. This are "fixes" found across the Internet regarding this error. Best regards,
  5. Good news Pete. The vistamare.dll was a major cause for a CTD several years ago. Hope this is it and you can again enjoy flying.
  6. The dll.xml is not needed for P3D to run. It is not a default file. It is used to load modules that might be needed to run an add-on. You need to look for duplicate entries or corrupted modules. That AVSIM CTD Guide shows you how to do this. There may be two dll.xml's in your installation as some add-on developers are placing the entries for their modules in the file where the P3d.cfg is located and some where the scenery.cfg is located.
  7. I really cannot offer any additional suggestions to fix your problem. I have no idea what the License reset tool does. Are you saying you have just two FSX DVD's and it's asking for a third one? FSX Gold may have 3 DVD's not not just FSX Deluxe. FSX Gold has Acceleration included. Personally, if I had all of your issues, I would reformat my HDD or SSD, reinstall Windows and reinstall FSX. I have done that many times in the past since I purchased FSX back in 2006. Sometimes it is the only solution available.
  8. Thanks Peter but I have always used the FTX uninstaller, then checked to make sure all folders deleted then I ran a registry cleaner. Holger is checking it out in the FTX Compatibility Forum and I did see where I still had the KBUR airport enabled in MyTraffic. Disabled that and still have the issues. If I disable FTX, all is normal at KBUR. I have my P3D settings for FTX as shown in their manual I also do not use tweaks and nasty stuff like that. I suspect it is part of the compatibility issues with FSDT KLAS and KLAX I had to make to get those products compatible. I glad I'm computer literate. I feel sorry for those who are not and expect to just install a product and it works.
  9. The possible fixes can be for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, or Windows 10. If you did not see idriver.exe in the processes running, that is probably good. You did not indicate the OS you are using but now I assume you are using Windows 10. The error 1628 is quite common and everyone who gets this error has problems finding out how to fix it. Computers are strange. No one has the same configurations. You could have an anti-virus program running in the background and it is stopping the installation. Or an anti-malware program like Microsoft Essentials. Windows 10 has much more security in it than previous OS's as consumers have more and more instances of malware on their system and they want Microsoft to fix it. So Microsoft did by adding much more security to fight the evil people who install malware on your computer. This is why we recommend you disable any anti-virus or anti-malware programs before installing anything on your computer. You know exactly where your DVD came from and you should know it has no malware or viruses on it. You just do not want to go on the Internet with out your firewall turned on (it's on by default). The firewall will block everything evil. You also need to disable your UserAccessControls by typing in your Windows search bar "user access controls" and look up in the menu and click on "Change User Access Controls". Pull the slider down to disable or where it says "Not Recommended". Make sure anything in the temporary folder in your user profile is deleted. I indicated the location of this folder in post #2 above. Do not delete the Temp Folder, just everything inside of it. If it balks on deleting anything, then skip deleting that file. Make sure you have cleaned your registry by running CCleaner. When you attempted to install FSX, the program probably made entries in the registry and in those hidden files. There should be no fsx files in the AppData\Roaming\Microsoft folder or the ProgramData\Microsoft folder. No fsx files (did I mention there should be no files or directories for FSX in these folders?). Make sure there is no folder for fsx in C:\Program Files (x86). Make sure Windows 10 is up-to-date. In the Windows 10 search, type Windows Update and look up in the menu and click on Windows Update. Once open, click on Windows update and make sure there are no new updates to be installed. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield\Driver10\ . Right-click on idriver and select Properties and look under the compatibility tab and make sure Windows XP is not enabled (nothing should be enabled). Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files \InstallShield\Driver11\. Right-click on idriver and select Properties and look under the compatibility tab and make sure Windows XP is not enabled (nothing should be enabled). Go to the directory where your DVD is located and open up the directory for the contents on the DVD. Right click on "Setup" or "Microsoft Flight Simulator X" and select "Run as Administrator". Cross your fingers and hope the installation is successful this time. Hope this helps. Best regards,
  10. Try the suggestions at the following link - http://help.globalscape.com/help/cuteftp8/Installshield_Error_1628__Failed_to_complete_script_based_install.htm
  11. Agree with that Mitch. So far my beta testing has failed miserably. At least they successfully got the migration thing working properly as before the latest Orbx Library file, Northern and Southern California would not migrate properly and the trouble shooter said I have many files still requiring migration and I was missing 4 files. That's fixed but now I have texture and rendering issues and just do not have the time to beta test anymore. So it is all off my system for a while. Appreciate your comments.
  12. Same here. Had no problems with the FTX/Orbx stuff until the unified thing. I don't have an issue with blurries though. Blurries are simply caused by one thing, high settings. You are not giving your GPU/CPU time to render the scenery and, in FTX/Orbx cases, a lot of it is photoscenery textures. I am having issues around KLAX to get the textures to render north of KLAS and KBUR is totally elevated. I have Northern and Southern California and the migration went well with no missing files but the area around KLAX is suddenly out of whack even though I have inserted FTX below FSDT KLAX and have made the appropriate compatibility modifications for FSDT installations. I have removed Northern and Southern California until my blood pressure has returned to normal. What a mess!
  13. It is not important to uninstall GEX. GEX replaces the default textures in FSX as they are more optimized for better performance. So, when you remove FSX, so goes GEX. You do not need to uninstall the others but I would recommend it.
  14. Please do not continue to post the same topic. I removed the first one you posted. Sometimes it takes some time for someone to post a response to a question. In many cases, the information you seek is unknown and there will be no responses. If you are trying to reinstall FSX, you have to make sure you have removed all remnants of a previous installation. There are hidden folders and, if they are not removed, your DVD installer will balk at installing FSX and will usually give you the option to repair or remove FSX. You should also run a registry cleaner like CCleaner after uninstalling the product. I recommend following the instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling FSX at the following link - http://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a87/how-to-uninstall-and-reinstall-fsx.aspx. Once a product is installed, the Install Shield sets up a folder with information that can be used to uninstall the program through the Add/Remove Program. If that file is removed, the uninstall will most likely be unsuccessful and you will have to do it manually. There is only one location of the installation files for FSX and that's on the DVD. Installation programs do not put the files into any type of "InstallShield" folder. An installation program may place the files in a temporary folder first (C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Temp) but will remove those files once the installation is completed. This does not happen all of the time and I periodically delete everything in this local temporary folder as the files take up a lot of space if not removed by Windows (Windows OS does a lousy job sometimes). Hope this helps and thanks for your recent membership! Best regards,
  15. The Phenom 100 is a beautiful aircraft and so is the 300. Great shot!
  16. Believe you are getting the "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" error? This is actively being discussed in the AVSIM CTD Forum - http://www.avsim.com/topic/491631-black-screen-on-airbus-decent/ . It's a fairly common error. I provided a link to possibly fix the problem - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2665946. Best regards,
  17. Sometimes the best option is to bite the bullet and reinstall. I've had to do it several times too. Just take it slow reinstalling the addons. Make sure you run fsx (at least, just start up and then close) after each install. Best regards,
  18. Try the following solution - http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=116666
  19. Yes, the application is looking for Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 2005 w/SP1. It is required for FSX or FSX-SE to start up. You remove it from your Add/Remove programs and FSX will no longer work. Best regards,
  20. I thought he is now MSE v2 and v4. Best regards,
  21. Just go into fsx/simobjects/airplanes/FA-18 and P51Racer and fsx/simobjects/rotorcraft/EH101 and delete them and that should eliminate the aircraft. SP2 is specially coded so as making it impossible to use these payware aircraft. The scenery should be the same except it is updated textures that are optimized for better performance. Not sure what else was installed with Acceleration. There are new missions too but they don't take up space. You just won't be able to use them as some will require the P51 or the EH101 or FA18. I believe some add-ons require Acceleration but most require SP2 or Acceleration. If you uninstall Acceleration, you will have to download and install SP2. Best regards,
  22. FSX Acceleration is the payware version of SP2. FSX Acceleration was released first to get as much money as possible before releasing the freeware version, SP2. SP2 does not have the aircraft and scenery and scenarios offered in Acceleration. You cannot install both or your sim will not work properly.
  23. Topic locked as we have more than many topics about this new product already posted here on AVSIM.
  24. I usually use the large search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing as, according to the Spider Logs, they are constantly collecting our topics and posts. I agree the four letter minimum is ludicrous here at AVSIM but as far as I know, that's the limit placed by the Board provider (IPS).
  25. We have always had a copyright policy. I doubt it will stop any of the illegal wannabe websites that try to steal our domain. We have been working hard to protect the information on our website as well as in our Library. Thanks Rob for your comments! Best regards,
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