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Jim Young

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Everything posted by Jim Young

  1. If you run Process Monitor (setup guidance in the AVSIM CTD Guide (see link in my signature), you will find that all of your addon airports will not load unless you are near them. So, if you have an FSDT airport in Las Vegas and you are flying around in Denver, the airport in Vegas will not load. Just those that are basically in, I think, a 100 mile radius of your aircraft. I never disable any of my payware airports. Any .bgl file in the scenery/world/scenery directory will load though and sometimes, Orbx puts some .bgl's in that file. It's one file where you might want to review once in a while to see what is in there.
  2. Here is some information concerning this error - http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum/index.php/topic,11862.0.html I would uninstall ASN and then install KJFK, get it running okay and then install ASN. Hope this helps. Best regards,
  3. Well done with all of those add-ons!! Best regards,
  4. I really don't see any difference in fps. DX10 Preview (and I emphasize "Preview") is broken. It never functioned well, and it never will function well w/o Steve's fixes. The Aces Team wanted to have a full fledge DX10 setup with Acceleration but Microsoft wanted Acceleration released immediately and the techs had no time to make DX10 work so they called it "DX10 Preview". If there are hard stutters, then, IMHO, that's what happens with broken software that was not fully developed. DX10 is not a product that will enhance your fps although the developers stated you will get about a 10% increase in performance from just running FSX. That happens to some but it does not happen to everyone as everyone has a different computer system setup and different FSX/NI settings. That's the hard thing about FSX to understand. Everyone thinks they have the same CPU and GPU and their FSX should run exactly the same. Absolutely not true, because what one runs in FSX may not be the same as what is run in another computer system. There are just too many variables. What does DX10 give you? Great performance? Maybe. Great graphics? Maybe. But the best part of DX10 is the ability to have shadows in your cockpit and thus more immersion in flight simulation. With DX9, you cannot have shadows in the cockpit. So, if DX10 is not working for you (and it does not for everyone for some reason), then you might want to consider moving up to P3D with DX11 and soon DX12. This way you'll not only have shadows inside the cockpit, but also shadows from clouds and buildings and stuff like that. This forum provides a lot of suggestions for configuring your DX10 to work the best. Steve's DX10 Fixer forum has even more suggestions but it is mostly related to his product. Bottom line: DX10 Preview is pretty much trash as it has a lot of anomalies (not to mention it does not provide better performance for many like you). DX10 Fixer pretty much fixes all of the problems the Microsoft techs would have fixed if they were still developing FSX (well, they are fixing FSX and that's over at Lockheed Martin where the FSX engine is getting better and better).
  5. Looks like flying or flight simming has "gone to the dogs"... (sorry, couldn't leave that thought out). Thought this article and video interesting. http://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/dogs-taught-how-to-fly-a-plane--seriously/news-story/138bfa946b053554a0b7fd5395a79fc6 Best regards,
  6. The LOD slider (level of detail) is the top one in the P3D scenery settings. At max, it's set to 6.5 and one notch down is 4.5 (or the FSX default). You have to play with this setting (and others) to get the optimum graphics that make YOU happy. There may be little or no difference between 4.5 and 6.5 and that could be a big fix for gaining more resources. The higher this setting, the further out from our aircraft you can see. But maybe you don't need to see way out. I think each individual has to set the sliders for the best graphics. There is no setting that is best for everyone. For me, I have modest settings but I turned off cloud shadows and that was a major savings of resources for me. I still have shadows in and around the aircraft. Maybe if I do just a VFR flight to check out the neighborhood and Mount Blanc I'll turn on the cloud shadows. Best regards,
  7. According to the AVSIM CTD Guide: Kernelbase.dll – No known fix but some have solved this problem by - Updating or reinstalling their video card drivers. Scanning your system for corrupt/missing files ) Disable startup programs by typing msconfig in the Windows search box. When open, look at the Startup tab and disable all startups (they are all not needed for operation of your computer). Best regards,
  8. Split from an old topic (necropost).
  9. The fix for p3d closing randomly is all over the Internet? Even so, members can post their issues here anytime and without other members getting upset because they posted an issue. Please do not get upset if a member posts a question here in the future.
  10. The gauge must belong to one of the aircraft you installed as it is definitely not a default file for fsx or p3d. Since FSX-SE is exactly the same as FSX, it's not the default for SE. Believe it was made for FS9. I would do a search on the Internet for the gpws_sound.gau and see if there's an updated version or a better sound package. Best regards,
  11. You are running Windows 8 and had a terrain.dll error. The AVSIM CTD Guide states the following (from the new version to be released soon): Terrain.dll - Usually indicates high scenery/terrain settings, especially Autogen. Restart sim to see if the error reoccurs. Most of the time, the error occurs on a whim. This is the solution as found on the Internet searching all of the flight simulator websites. Your system just cannot handle the high volume of rendering and 99% of all computers cannot handle all of the calls for textures with high settings, especially if you are flying a commercial (read: eye-candy) aircraft and landing or taking off from an eye-candy producing commercial airport. Developers of products are trying to get the most eye-candy they can get and it usually works for them if it is just their product running and not a bunch of other payware aircraft/scenery/weather programs running too. It would be too easy if everyone could crank up their settings to the max and have smooth fps. An airport will not be rendered unless it is in view of your aircraft or in your LOD_Radius. So the higher you have the LOD_Radius, the more likely the airports several miles from your aircraft will render. Photo scenery is handled differently by FSX/P3D in that if the photo scenery is enabled, it will load no matter where in the world you are flying. So, you want to make sure any photo scenery is disabled unless your flightplan takes you over the area. I found too that Orbx/FTX airports with autogen that are enabled in your scenery library will load that autogen. At least that is what happened to me when I was flying from Chicago to St Louis (in the middle of the USA) and autogen from the Pacific North West was loading. I believe this happens because many of the .bgl's are placed in the scenery/world/scenery folder and anything in that folder loads whether you need it or not. Best regards,
  12. Thanks for your help Gerald but think the OP knows this. The OP indicated it was the add-on manager at fault. Downloading the latest Standalone Addon Manager will fix this problem. Best regards,
  13. If you have a dll.xml and exe.xml (located in same folder as FSX-SE.cfg, move those files over to a temporary folder and restart FSX. The dll.xml and exe.xml load at start of FSX/FSX-SE and, if a module is missing, corrupted, or the dll.xml is corrupt, the sim will not load. Uninstalling scenery will not remove the dll.xml or exe.xml. These files are not required by default. They were added when you installed modules such as FSDT/Flightbeam airports and FSUIPC. Best regards,
  14. Move your dll.xml over to a temporary folder and restart FSX. The modules in your dll.xml and exe.xml (if installed) are the first to load at startup. If they are corrupted, missing, or the dll.xml is corrupted, the sim will not start. Sometimes too, if you have FSDT or FlightBeam airport scenery, you need to reinstall the latest standalone addon manager and that will fix the problem. Best regards,
  15. Security updates are still being offered in Windows Update for Windows 7. They will be until they announce the OS will no longer be supported, about 5 years after a new OS. Windows 10 is free until July 29th. Not sure how much afterwards but between $100 and $200. Of course you can still continue to use Windows 7. Best regards,
  16. We use the BBC method here at AVSIM for security purposes. You have to click on the 'link' icon in the menu and then paste the link into the box. Best regards,
  17. From the AVSIM CTD Guide: G2D.dll - This module handles plain text messages, like the frame rate counter and those other plain text messages you see periodically while running any simulator and the plain text words in the respective Menu, like the words Options, View, etc. There may be something corrupted in your dll.xml which loads menu items. Possible fixes – Rebuild the sim’s config, as appropriate (moving or renaming the config and then restarting the application). Uninstall/reinstall video card drivers or go back to previous version. Make sure drivers are not ‘beta’. Do not disable ORBX/FTX, GEX, and/or UTX entries via the scenery.cfg. Use the appropriate interface utility to enable/disable features in these programs. Go to the appropriate interface and disable or return to the default textures. Restart appropriate simulator and then shut down the application. Go to the applicable interface and enable the textures. Move the dll.xml to a temporary folder and see if this fixes the problem. If so, there is a module in the dll.xml that is causing the problem.
  18. I don't own Weather Architect but they must have a purpose. PMDG has some popular products and perhaps they are setting them up to communicate with PMDG aircraft? The developer of this product visits these forums frequently so I suspect you will have an answer soon if not from one of our helpful members. Best regards,
  19. This is a major shocker. Windows 10 has been out for some time now and thousands of individuals who have installed FSX have not had a problem with sound. We have a dedicated forum for Windows 10 and any issues found and I could not find this problem in that forum. I would think that we would be hearing about this "problem" sooner (if in fact there is a problem). There have been many problems with FSX ATC Sound since 2007 but all of those have been mostly resolved. You might try the following link - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/177252. I'm guessing you have hardware acceleration turned on. We do not know your system. Are you using a dedicated sound board or the built in sound? In any case it is not a Windows 10 problem (even though you just installed Windows 10 and this is when the problem started). EDIT: Just thought of something else too. If you just installed Windows 10, make sure you have the latest hardware drivers installed. I use Driver Booster, a freeware program (but it has a lot of nags to get you to register it for a price but all of the functions still work). Since it is a fairly new OS, many manufacturers are undating their drivers to fix bugs found.
  20. When you uninstall FSDT stuff, it does not necessarily remove the entries in the dll.xml. So, when you are loading P3D, the first thing it looks for is the dll.xml and loads those entries. If it does not see a module or the module is corrupted, it will crash. So, move your dll.xml to a temporary folder and try it again. The dll.xml is not needed but is is installed if you install things like the FSUIPC, PMDG stuff, FSDT stuff, etc. Best regards,
  21. I'm sorry but I have no idea how powerful your system is. It does not look very powerful (but more and more addons are using more eye-candy and resources as computer systems get more powerful). I have not been able to find any other solution for a terrain.dll error other than high settings. I do think that tweaks can contribute to crashes if they are not used properly. If you are using the Bojote tool, you have an extremely old computer system and you need those tweaks to get it to work better. Okay, I checked out your cpu and it is not very powerful - https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=AMD+Phenom+II+X6+1090T. So you have to be extremely careful with your computer settings. You should never have a texture_max_load of 512; otherwise, you will not like FSX and this is probably why your aircraft preview shows grey aircraft. I never thought FSX could run any default textures at 512. With REX Texture Direct, you have configuration settings there too. Once I set my resolution to 4096 in texture direct for my low level clouds, 2048 for the high level clouds and then I set the texture compression to 32 bit. It brought my system (see specs in my signature) to its knees. Subsequently I changed the 32 bit to dxt5. You should use at least the default settings and the default settings can be obtained by going into the FSX settings and simply clicking on return to Default settings. Or you can move or delete the fsx.cfg and let it rebuild the next time you restart FSX. I don't know what a mipbias tweak does. Think some believe it gets rid of the blurries so I wont comment further on that. If reducing your settings does not get rid of the crashes, then I would begin uninstalling your addons, with REX Texture Direct first (make sure you return the backup first) to see which addon is causing your crashes. Good luck! Best regards,
  22. I think your questions have been answered. You can have 200 fps and the black square (indicating the scene is still loading) will still appear. It takes 1 tenth of a second for your fps to take a dive and then shoot back up again.
  23. Did you go to their support forum and request support? You did something extraordinary and that's looking at your directories after you installed the product and you saw anomalies. Not too many members here do that after installing a program. I don't anyway. I do not see any reason for all of those directories but then, why would a virus or a malware program install all of those directories? It does not make sense. I would uninstall the product and see if those directories were removed. If not, then they were not put there by REX Weather Architect.
  24. The AVSIM FSX Configuration Guide (see link in my signature). Best regards,
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