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Jim Young

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Everything posted by Jim Young

  1. Just a heads-up that PC Aviator now has MegaScenery Forums at their website that provides some useful tips and information about MegaScenery Products - http://pcaviatorforums.com/index.php/forum/8-pc-aviator-software-forum/. Thanks to Gartro for posting this information. Best regards,
  2. Great memories of driving in Europe during my two military assignments there. Enjoyed the video a whole lot! Best regards,
  3. Removing SP2 OR Acceleration will not change anything. SPP2 and Acceleration are updates to FSX. It will not touch the scenery.cfg or fsx.cfg or any of the files in those folders. Best regards,
  4. A forum will be set up if and when DTG releases a new flight simulator. Seems we went through this when FSX-SE was released. Did we open up a P3D forum months before the release of that product? No. When it was finally released, we set up a forum. When the DTG product is released, we will consider a new forum. This is not subject to further discussion so this topic is closed. Best regards,
  5. Split from a very old topic. There have been several other posts/topics about this new product in other forums and I have removed them as this is considered advertising/spamming. Advertising is allowed once when a new product is released as I think it is important for our members to know about new products (as well as on our front page). But posting it in several forums is not allowed. Best regards,
  6. I did not suggest starting a new topic about the same subject (crash modelling). You were upset the topic was locked and wanted it unlocked. I said I would not unlock a topic closed by one of our volunteer moderators. That's their decision and I will not contravene. I did suggest you start a new topic if there was a question you still had not seen discussed in the crash modelling topic. I apologize if I was not clear. I will not allow you to publicly question the decision of our volunteer moderators as that is a clear violation of the AVSIM Terms of Service. Like Christopher said above, crash modelling is a touchy subject and totally agree. For these reasons, this topic is closed.
  7. Thanks for the recommendation. Eaglesoft has their own forums and we have respective forums to discuss this product in the FSX | FSX-SE and/or the P3D Forums, depending on where you installed the product. Like RealAir, REX, GEX, UTX, Aerosoft, etc., we (okay I) do not see a need for another forum to discuss these products. If they want to set up or move their forums to AVSIM, they are most welcomed to do so as it is a free service here at AVSIM. We did set up some forums against the developer's wishes and these are unofficial forums but these are rare exceptions. For instance, at one time, members complained about Captain Sim not providing support on their website for their products so we set up an unofficial forum as they had a lot of products and there was a huge need for support. That has changed somewhat and Captain Sim now provides support for their products on their website and consequently, our Captain Sim forum is seeing less and less use. Best regards,
  8. I think what you are looking for is the d3d9.dll or the d3d11.dll both of which are used for SweetFX or the ENBSeries Modules. They are not needed for FSX and are safe to delete. In my FSX folder I do have a d3dx10_34.dll which was is dated 1/13/2014 but it is not part of FSX or Acceleration. It may have been installed by PMDG as they run a DX10 installer during their installations or it could belong to the DX10SceneryFixer program (payware). It is not required for a normal installation of FSX/Acceleration. Best regards,
  9. That's a super tough question as there really isn't much guidance in flight simulation for setting trim. My recommendation is to follow the setup in the following video where the author provides detailed instructions on setting up the Carenado EMB 505 Phenom 300 for flight - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pNI7vfmTs8. He starts the setup procedures at about the 8:10 mark in the video. I personally do not set trim but I do lower the flaps a notch or two depending on the weather and the length of the runway. Best regards,
  10. Most likely you ran out of VAS. When you run out of VAS (an OOM), there may or may not be an error message. Any flights over 4 hours take up an enormous amount of virtual memory and, when descending or landing, you will begin to run out of memory. There is no fix for this problem with P3D, FSX, or FSX-SE. I monitor my VAS usage using the FSUIPC utility where I can watch how much VAS has been used throughout the flight. If I am starting to run low on VAS, I will usually turn off things I don't need like ASN or MyTraffic6 and also turn down my P3D settings. Sometimes this will work. Sometimes not. I would not recommend anyone taking a 4 hour plus flight in P3D, FSX, or FSX-SE as most likely you will be extremely disappointed when you get a crash. I keep all of my flights to 2 hours or less and, even so, I see a dramatic decrease in VAS when descending into a commercial addon airport. Best regards,
  11. Most of the time, this is caused by a bad entry or module in the dll.xml. Move the dll.xml to a temporary folder and see if this fixes the problem. The dll.xml is in the same folder as your p3d.cfg. If P3D starts up okay after moving the dll.xml, then you can try disabling each entry one by one to see which one is the culprit (see page 2, AVSIM CTD Guide)(link in my signature). Best regards,
  12. I'll pin this for a while so that others have a chance to see this. We use to have a Links Section but we did away with it due to a lack of interest (plus it was very difficult to maintain as many links went dead as members quit FS). Best regards,
  13. I've seen those anomalies with SweetFX or the ENBSeries installed. Best regards,
  14. The AVSIM FSX Configuration Guide (see link in my signature), provides detailed guidance for tweaks and FSX settings. Best regards,
  15. Try the suggestions in the AVSIM CTD Guide for freezes/stops working while loading FSX or during a flight randomly. Link to CTD Guide is in my signature. Best regards,
  16. Unfortunately I have no additional suggestions except for - make sure you have Microsoft.net 2.0 installed (this manages the memory and the running of FSX)(see page 7, AVSIM CTD Guide for links and more information) make sure you have Microsoft Visual C++2005 w/SP1 (see pages 6 and 7 of the AVSIM CTD Guide for a picture of the required Visuals and their versions as shown in the Add/Remove Programs). For FSX, you need Microsoft Visual C++2005 w/SP1 and 2008 w/SP1. Any others will not be used while using FSX but, if they are required, the software addon will install it if needed. increase heap limitations (see page 7 of the AVSIM CTD Guide) I'm not going to recommend or say anything about the uiautomationcore.dll in your main FSX folder as discussed on page 7 of the AVSIM CTD Guide. I'll let others make that recommendation as I do not believe in this potential fix (I have never used it and my FSX has run perfectly since 2006 except for a few crashes that were unrelated). It could do more harm that good and, if it is in your main fsx folder, then you should move it to a temporary folder. Link to the CTD Guide is in my signature. I hope one of these works as I'm running out of ideas. If it was a common crash, I think I would have seen more discussions here at AVSIM or at other Flight Simulator websites but I do not see anyone else with the problem. Perhaps I'm not looking in the right places... Best regards,
  17. Also, when you go to "programme the GPS" is that to a default aircraft or the Aerobus. If it is the Aerobus, then I would reinstall that too. A repair of FSX will change the fsx.cfg and scenery.cfg to the default so best you keep a backup of the scenery.cfg (you probably already have several backups in the folder). Make sure you repair all of FSX (i.e., FSX and Acceleration OR FSX and SP1 and SP2). Best regards,
  18. I would delete or move your fsx.cfg to a temp folder, restart FSX and let the config rebuild. It may still be trying to detect the AMD card. You didn't have a crash, just an event 1000 which is common. They usually go away pretty fast after your computer syncs. Best regards,
  19. If your anti-virus program was enabled during the installation of FSX and any addon, like German Landmarks, then that could be the problem as anti-virus programs have been known to have "false positives" and not install a required registry entry or .dll as it thinks the file or program is a virus. Make sure you use Admin Rights and UAC and any anti-virus program is disabled when you install the product. I have searched the Internet relentlessly for other individuals posting this crash and cannot find any like what you are experiencing (search term - Aerosoft German Landmarks X Crash). Best regards,
  20. Thanks Christopher. All these abbreviations. Have to stop speed reading as it is not working... Sorry Stan for hijacking your topic. Best regards,
  21. Glad I was able to help. Welcome to AVSIM! Best regards,
  22. Product upgrade was released in July 2015 and announced here. Any additional release information is advertising. Topic closed. EDIT: Think I'll merge this with the release topic instead.
  23. I use the developers recommended settings of 30% for MyTraffic6. UTX2 is tough on fps but so is other similar products. Are you using it with GEX? NickN has posted his settings for UTX2 in the GEX/UTX forum and I use those settings. Still, high autogen settings will be hard on your fps. Best regards,
  24. OOM's can happen on super powerful computer systems too because, when you run out of the allocated 4GB's of virtual address space (VAS) that you operating system provides, you will get an OOM. Just in case you have not seen this from PMDG - http://support.precisionmanuals.com/kb/a108/vas-management-stopping-out-of-memory-oom-errors.aspx. If you have high setting/overclock, I would think your VAS usage would be depleted faster as it is processing things faster. Only when we get to the 64 bit applications will we be truly able to crank up our powerful systems as VAS will still be limited in 64 bit applications but the amount of VAS Windows allocates will be almost impossible to deplete. Lockheed Martin did do some optimizing of their graphics and other things that could be optimized but it does not eliminate OOM's. I use the freeware tool called FSUIPC to monitor my VAS usage during a flight and, when it starts going down to a level that will cause an OOM, I will turn off things that might be causing the loss, like my weather program, ASN. On page 3 of the AVSIM CTD Guide (link in my signature), we provide instructions for configuring the FSUIPC tool - Monitor VAS (modified from the guide to show only the information you need as you have a 64 bit operating system) Startup program and then enter the Add-on Menu and select FSUIPC. Once FSUIPC is open, click on the Logging Tab and enter 024C under Offset and select S32 under Type. Select where you would like to have the usage displayed. The FS Window is for Full Screen sessions. The FS Title Bar is for Windowed Mode. AVSIM recommends you also check the Normal log file as this provides you information on how much VAS you had to start out with and then logs usage throughout your flight. The VAS usage is displayed in Kilobytes (KB’s). The value represents the amount of VAS left so, the lower the value, the more VAS being depleted. The max amount of VAS allowed in computers with 64 bit Operating Systems is 4GB’s if running 32 bit applications like FSX/P3D. To convert the KB’s to the amount of GB’s, you should use one of the Byte converters on the Internet like the following: Byte Converter. You will never see 4194304 KB’s displayed as this equals 4GB’s. You might see around 3GB’s (3145728) remaining when you first start up FSX/P3D but that too would be unusual. Do not be concerned with the amount of VAS remaining when you first start up. It fluctuates during a flight session. One of the things I do after using FSUIPC to monitor my VAS usage is to open up the FSUIPC.log after a flight and review it (I have a shortcut to the fsuipc.log on my desktop). It will show you how much VAS was used just to load P3D to the setup screen, then loading to your departure area in your flight plan, and then showing the VAS usage during the flight. You will always see VAS going down dramatically as you descend to your destination. the log will also show you the average FPS during the flight and average VAS usage. Sometimes I'll run Process Monitor which I configured to run and only show P3D and P3D addon's loading (see page 4 of the AVSIM CTD Guide). I want to make sure there are no scenery loading on the other side of the world where I'm flying. Photoscenery will load if enabled even if the scenery is located on the other side of the world and take up valuable VAS. I have seen FTX/Orbx stuff loading too that is far, far away from my flight plan but it is usually the Orbx/FTX Objects loading. Nothing you can do if you are flying over FTX areas but it is upsetting to see these object loading thousands of miles away. But, there are things I might see that I can shutdown during the flight. Maybe that will help, maybe not. You know we really did not have these problems when FSX (P3D is basically FSX as it uses the same engine) was first released. We had less powerful systems back then and everyone kept their settings at a modest level. Everything was 32 bit then. Then we heard about a /3GB switch that would give us up to 3GB's of VAS (we only had 2GB's of VAS available then to use) and we started cranking up our FSX settings thinking we had more space and power. Some computer experts gave us tips on tweaks we could use to maximize our enjoyment of FSX. Now, we have extremely powerful systems (compared to the systems back in 2006/2007), 64 bit operating systems, the ability to overclock, and we all think we can now max things out. We could except for the VAS limitations. Hope this helps. Best regards,
  25. Topic locked. This old topic has run it's course. Maybe start a new one.
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