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  1. Just to reply briefly to those asking about various elements of this debate. Sorry but you're not going to get masses of detail from me, that wouldn't be correct business practise and it'd simply be unfair to divulge too much and in all honesty there's nothing that revealing or exciting anyway. 🙂 So with the vast majority of third party products that we simply resell on our website we'll try to ensure steps are taken so that we're happy with the general quality on offer and that the pricing seems fair and proper. We'll not do much other than that as it's not part of any deal or agreement with partners. In this instance though, with regards the DC-9 it's now clear that not enough due diligence took place by us. Maybe put it down to a mad busy period and simply too much of our own business and projects taking precedence. Rightly so of course but with hindsight given the nature and type of product we have here more time and more sets of eyes were needed. Some complacency there and we'd wrongly assumed all was fine. Now not long after it went on sale it became apparent something wasn't right with the add-on, this was based on the feedback we received from our customers, media coverage and subsequently and most importantly from some of our in-house QA team (quite the experts in this field). It was then clear to us the correct decision was to remove it from sale. The reaction wasn't a kneejerk reaction, that's not our style but rest assured from our perspective the correct course of action was taken. So since then a little more time has been spent evaluating the aircraft and in our opinion there are some serious issues and we're not just talking about criticism of poor texture work, poor sounds and systems generally not fully working properly but deeper things even basics linked to just starting the aircraft. The feedback will be compiled and sent to the developer but be aware we won't spend an age on this as that's not part of the deal. The feedback will be sent as a gesture of goodwill and we'll leave it there. We're not going to dictate what level the aircraft needs to get too and what exactly needs fixing, that's nothing to do with us, we're really just offering some feedback and assistance. If the aircraft then at some points gets sent back to us for selling from the site we'll certainly ensure a degree of testing is done and that we're happy with the offering before adding it to our shop again. We're by no means judge and jury here. We can offer our thoughts and observations and then it's up to the developer to decide the next course of action. We simply owe it to our vast customer database to ensure that what we sell from our website in our eyes is reputable, of a high standard and offers best value for money. That's kind of it, it just remains for us to wish Sky Simulations the very best of luck with the DC-9 and hopefully one day we can be proudly stocking and selling her once again. Hope that helps.
  2. Bit odd. Different pricing showing for me. Not sure what's occurring there. Popping a general reply up shortly for you. Bear with...
  3. Is it not $61.40 on SimMarket? Anyway, on the pricing, and just for info, when we sell third party products (ones we sell and have no part in the publishing/marketing etc and no JF branding included) on our website we request the Sterling/Euros/Dollar price from the developer of the add-on in question. It's completely their call. In this case the developer simply supplied the Euro price so we're then left to calculate the other currency prices for ourselves. At no point are we told what prices the other vendors are selling at and are never encouraged or asked to follow suit. As part of the bigger picture with this add-on it does seem like the dollar price was set a little too high (regardless of quality) although it was pretty much in line with the price that Aerosoft set too. Now, if/when the DC-9 ends up being reinstated (no guarantee) on our website we'll review the pricing taking all things into consideration, rest assured.
  4. Quick message on this - You're all correct we have decided to remove the title from sale from our website for the foreseeable future. Pointless going into too much detail but since the release it's become evident that there are issues that need addressing with the aircraft and until they are sorted we don't see it as being fit for purpose and the last thing we want to be doing is having our customers spend good money on something that has issues in many areas deeming it to all intents and purposes 'faulty'. Anybody who bought from us and is having issues with the downloading, installing or actual aircraft itself please get in touch with our support team who will do all they can to assist you. Sorry for the inconvenience, one and all.
  5. It's simply because the versions on SM are single platform versions. They have an FS2020 and an FS2024 version and they charge that same price for both versions I believe. The version we are selling is for both platforms, you choose which when installing. Hope that helps.
  6. Yes, add the VAT and you have more or less parity with our prices. Our prices that show on the product pages include VAT so nothing to add during checkout. I also have SM site set so the prices shown already include VAT. All the best.
  7. Not actually correct. The RJ Professional on Simmarket will cost €64.96. It will cost you €64.95. More or less the same, they are instructed to sell at the same price as we do and they usually adhere to that. Only time when that should differ is if there's a sale or promotion running and we've given sign-off a specific price. I hope that helps.
  8. There wasn't which is why we don't include one in our package. All other variants that entered service are covered and included. Thanks
  9. Yes that's the plan, just as long as MS have the mechanic in place to offer the discount. We believe they do now, but we're just double-checking with them on that.
  10. All listed on the product page, Ron. Click on the 'Expand' arrow, next to Detailed Description, then scroll down.
  11. Pricing will be the same as the 146 Professional. Owners of the 146 will qualify for a 20% discount or thereabouts off the RJ Professional. We're trying very hard to release this month. Some bugs still to be treated and corrected, some optimisation issues to sort and some code still to be added and tested, from a third party developer. So much done, so much left to do, all a bit fluid. On the face of it, it's pretty much there, dig a little deeper and there's the loose ends to get sorted. It's our number one priority at this moment, rest assured. Thank you.
  12. Our Dev at Black Square has been busy multi-tasking - Look out for some news tomorrow from us that covers all the Black square titles and the status of their updates. Hopefully you'll be pleasantly surprised. More tomorrow..
  13. Maintenance done and the website is live again. Really sorry for the initial hiccup there. Too manty trying to get through the doors as soon as they released. We've increase capacity so things should be better now. Won't be ultra-fast to start with but moving a lot better now. Hope you all get what you're after!
  14. We're working on getting the site back up running efficiently. Sorry for the hiccup everyone. The release excitement and buzz should be returning quite soon.
  15. It will be available at the same time. The page will be live as soon as we release. Getting the bundle now is the only way of getting both planes at the cheaper price so anyone thinking about that then the bundle now or whenever you choose to purchase is the best bet for you.
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