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About elmucki

  • Birthday July 24

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  • Location
    San Diego, CA
  • Interests
    FSX, Outdoors, Shooting (competitive), billiards, bowling, COD.

    Although my family will always come first.

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    Hi, my name is Mike. And i have a FSX addiction problem.

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  1. flaps? meh i land without.
  2. FL460? what ya doing there? that is way above safe operating limits.
  3. the true cost will be your first born and every other child.
  4. both airlines are already available by others... both are even in production by another vendor.
  5. PMDG 777 is fantastic, i am curious thou when the 747 releases. i am really looking forward to the other models they may release (BCF, -400M, and the 400D and of course the "more") http://prntscr.com/b3fev9
  6. i will always pick the 747 over the 777. Maybe because its love for the original long haul queen. The way she handles in full manual is just spot on and a joy to fly. the 777 is great too dont get me wrong. But the feeling is just not the same.
  7. i am able to land using the ILS at SEA. All three work.
  8. i just upgraded to an i7 6700k and there seems to be similar problems with freezing... no issues however with display driver yet.
  9. i believe this has been discussed already. Since Boeing has not released any performance data, PMDG has no info to go off. Look at some previous (historical) posts. There should be a lot of them and you may find your answer there.
  10. will there be an update to the sounds similar to the 777? i love the 5.1 surround sound and would love to see it for the NGX. Is this on the horizon as an update in the future? Thanks. -Mike Backes
  11. no its free, as will be the 747 and the MD11.... of course its a new purchase. It states this in the forums and plenty of other places.
  12. i doubt it. sliders are normal and no tweaks besides the recommended ones by pmdg...
  13. i have now, the QW installed and flies beautifully as does the LVL-D and Captain Sim and even Carenado. Various freewares also fly without issue. And yes, the scenario screen pops up first with the F35 at which time i select the aircraft.
  14. i am still getting terrible stutters.... I did a fresh install of only v3 and the NGX 777. The F35 is the default on the scenario screen but is changed to either the 777 to ngx and then loaded to fly. the stutters are a nightmare. i did the steps again but still happen.... really frustrating.
  15. My NGX and 777 work in terms of loading and functionality, but produce horrible stutters.
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