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  1. One more thing. just double check your units (imperial or metric). I don't know if it's a bug or what, but sometimes I have to switch forth and back between them, to get correct inputs in MCDU. Btw I'm on the way to Manchester right now, with A332 and everything was ok with calculations.
  2. Did you put in your simbrief Pilot ID? (Not username) It's a five digit number.
  3. 1. https://secure.simmarket.com/jktools-walkaround-manager-msfs24.phtml 2. I don't know.
  4. I upgraded mine through Mobiflight itself. Open Mobiflight, on top panel select Extras, then Settings and tick Beta versions. Should upgrade to MSFS2024 compatible version. You can download mobiflight profiles from flightsim.to, depend what you are using (Winwing or MiniFCU)
  5. There are two commands in control options : "EYE TRACKING RESET", which reset your view and "TOGGLE HEAD TRACKING", for switch on or off.
  6. Happened to me yesterday and I solved it by "VFR PILOT VIEW RESET" button.
  7. Did you set any custom cameras?
  8. Try this path "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\157080040\2537590\remote" (Numbers can be different).
  9. In current version Tobii cause a CTD, when you try to adjust sensitivity. For anyone who is interested, there is a workaround on official forum. Works great for me. https://forums.flightsimulator.com/t/fs2024-ctd-when-adjusting-tobii-eye-tracker-curves/666006/75
  10. Same here. Then i used VPN, connected to Sweden and loaded instantly. Hope they fix it soon.
  11. Between Finland and Germany and another one Lithuania - Sweden.
  12. AIG is not working with FS2024.
  13. No. When I tried go to settings, always CTD. It was same in Alpha BTW.
  14. You can limit fps with nvidia control panel, or RTSS. It helps with GPU load (and temps).
  15. Log in to your account on Fenix website and under download there is installer.
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