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  1. Actually 2.5 has been very stable for me and I've experienced only one crash with ORBX global.
  2. The biggest selling point for me with Mytraffic was the option to select low quality models. If the lower quality models are gone with v6 than I'll stick with v5 because I can't handle taking a massive FPS so I can see some pretty AI models. It's not worth imo and it takes away from a smooth flying experience.
  3. Have you tried removing NI and using the in game settings?
  4. There's been issues with newer schedules which caused random crashes before v2.5. I'm excited that an AI package tailored for P3D is been released and I own all the traffic packages and mytraffic has been the best package for me in terms of performance.
  5. Yup, Mytraffic is working when manually installed. Also OpusFSI weather is working flawlessly.
  6. So did some test flights around YVR, SEA and LAX. I have mytraffic and OPUS, both work with no issues. I've noticed with the same settings from 2.4 I'm getting a good 5-10% increase in FPS and seems smoother (less stutters) than 2.4. I'm very happy with this update, great job by Prepar3d and all the beta testers involved.
  7. New driver released today fixes the light issues in both 2.4 and 2.5.
  8. Has anyone added Mytraffic to v2.5 because I noticed there's no simobjects line in the cfg.
  9. According the release notes it does address the bridge/pylon issues. Btw, I'm getting 10mb/s on the download
  10. I just renamed to Extrusions.spb to get rid of the bridge issues. Yes, you lose bridges but it's better than having the extrusion issue.
  11. I'm really impressed with LM who continue to fully support P3D and provide updates. The same can't be said for MS who basically turned their back on FSX and left us with software that was still a work in progress and badly needed updates.
  12. Mytraffic also has my vote. I use the "low" end models so I don't waste FPS.
  13. I had major FPS issues with ASN so I switched to Opus and I haven't encountered any drops. In fact, I get over 50fps even in overcast conditions.
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