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Ian S

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    Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia

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  1. Did you extract or unzip the files?
  2. Sounds like it was user error after all. Its a shame he didn't have the decency to come back and acknowledge this after maligning a perfectly good and high-quality scenery.
  3. Indeed, those a pretty much my sentiments too. The advantages of moving to 2024 don't outweigh the multiple compromises which would have to be made, in my opinion.
  4. I've just checked out your website - very impressive, thank you for your contribution to the P3D community!
  5. POSKY definitely work in P3Dv5 and I am pretty sure Camsim does too. It sounds like a possible error in your aircraft.cfg, do you want to post the content (not the whole file, maybe just the aircraft entries). Make sure your texture=*** exactly the name of the texture folder and sim=*** the name of the air file.
  6. I have never heard of that before. You should be fine to have both sims installed at the same time.
  7. The developer has retired but as you've found, Maxime at TOGA kindly offered to host the free downloads of Godzone Christhcurch on their site, perhaps you could reach out there and see if the addition of Dunedin was possible? https://www.togaprojects.com/godzonesceneries
  8. AIG AI traffic is a must have for me. I also throughly recommend Living Airports for ehnaced night lighting (although the freeware Simmershomme product actually looks good too).
  9. Welcome!
  10. Was there a trick to downloading? Every time I try, my ISP blocks it as an unsafe site?
  11. I am not sure what bug you are referring to, but in the Flightbeam UI you can go to the settings for each airport and make adjustments depending on what other Addons are in use. I recall the presence of Orbx North Island requires some manual fixing in the UI.
  12. Ah, yes, sorry I missed the bit about Concorde.
  13. Flightbeam's Wellington is also very good. Its a challenging airport too, with a short runway, strong winds and water at either end.
  14. It won't apply to me personally, but thanks very much for your commitment to the community in general and the time you have taken to do this.
  15. Thanks for the detailed explanation on what to do. One question - does this still work if you really do have P3D v5 still installed or does it create conflicts?
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