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Posts posted by Robinson67

  1. In reference to the turbulence explanation provided by Dan and Kyle is clear. Appreciated it.


    Although the IAS is not affected by wind I still didn´t get it fully understood. :fool:

    If a plane is on ground and facing a 30kt headwind, wouldn´t  the ASI indicate 30Kt?


    ALF1 - I´m using ASN on P3D 2.3.  Thanks

  2. Hi guys,

    We know the effect of the wind on GS, a HW component will decrease
    the GS whereas a TW component will increase the GS.

    As for the IAS, I understand that flying with a HW there´s more ram air flowing
    into the tube, why is there no increase in IAS?

    Another point, in a turbulence the IAS goes crazy by the effect of the wind or by something else?


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