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  1. I've done it again, everything from ground ZERO. No luck. Texture are not that bad, but this there is a lack of sharpness, and as I've told before, If I pause the game, a few seconds after the textures become sharp.
  2. Another example: This happens all over the world, and "I'm tired" of making changes to fsx.cfg. I've read so many Tweaks and stuff, but none seems to work. In this case, if I put the game on Pause, the textures will eventually load after some time....
  3. I've chosen the Jet randomly. It happens with all planes. I usually fly Airbus X and I can't get that sharpened textures I see a lot of guys have. If my rig was poor or low-performance, I would accept that, but with the rig I have, I cannot at all understand why that happens....
  4. Cheers guys. It happens that I have the most common problem a lot of folks who play FSX have. BLURRIES, scenery and terrain not loading etc etc... I see so many videos on youtube of guys that have a pc rig identic as mine and run the game with no such problems. For example this one:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03vcqAOxdz8 In this video and others we can see that there is no scenery problems. I even have a better pc rig than this guy and I can't get this results! We can see how defined and HDish the scenery is. Believe my I've read many TWEAK GUIDES all over the internet, I've made a lot of changes but never could achieve that results as my FPS are also quite unstable. It's quite frustrating since I even upgraded my pc lately. My rig now is: -Win 7 x64 Ultimate -i7 4790k @4.3Ghz -GTX 770 4GB -8GB RAM For FSX Scenery I use: -ORBX Global -ORBX Europe -ORBX Vector -REX 4 Direct I mean look how ridiculous this is: I mean with such this rig, I shouldn't be getting this problems. Game should run smooth and detailed as we see in those videos all over youtube. My FSX.cfg: I'd appreciate if you could help Thx
  5. Hey it happens that I have the very same problem. Can someone send me the file via PM? Thx in advance
  6. You're right! I have REX Overdrive, FTX Global + Vector by ORBX and where I use to see this FPS so low is on Airports from Aerosoft like Mega Airport Lisbon and TNCM from FlyTampa for example... Is there any way to tweak this? Because I see so many videos on youtube from people that have the same rig as me and the games runs smooth. Ty EDIT: I use to fly A319,20,21 from project airbus
  7. Thank you for your reply. Is there anyway you can help me choose the best settings in order to take the best of FSX? Ty
  8. Hi guys, I've made an upgrade to my pc and in FSX I still get like 30fps sometimes 15-20fps. Is that normal? My current rig now is: Intel i7 4790K @4,0GHZ NVIDIA Geforce GTX 770 4GB 8GB RAM I don't understand why I get such low FPS with this rig... Can anyone give me a hand? Thx
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