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  1. Dear Richard, Still waiting for UTX2.0 Europe Setting, Thank you
  2. Dear Richard, Just installed UTX Europe 2.0 and Disable the Global Vector from Scenery.cfg, just confused after installing, The street light in uk Turn out to be blue and low bloom can i know which set of light best to apply and can i know how to apply it, Best Regards
  3. So how about for 4k monitor do DSr required or not Richard.
  4. Still no fix for Popcorn Clouds
  5. Thank you very much Jim Best Regards Thank you NyyxUK
  6. I got this entry on cloud.fx void GetScreenQuadPositions( out float4x3 output, in float width, in float height ) { float halfWidth = width; float halfHeight = height; /// VALUE // Quadrant output[0].x = -halfWidth; //-1 output[0].y = -halfHeight; //-1 output[0].z = 0; output[1].x = halfWidth; // 1 output[1].y = -halfHeight; //-1 output[1].z = 0; output[2].x = -halfWidth; // -1 output[2].y = halfHeight; // 1 output[2].z = 0; output[3].x = halfWidth; // 1 output[3].y = halfHeight; // 1 output[3].z = 0; Where shall i change and add entry for temporary Fix Best Regards
  7. Can i know what is temporary fix and what the method of edit..
  8. Dear Simmer, Any idea of getting rid of Popcorn Clouds, which really affecting the beauty of Prepar3d.. Please dont say turn off or clear the sky, need permanent Fix, Best Regards
  9. So richard i am little bit confused so which is one most perfect weather engine and with realistic cloud layer, ASN or OPUSFS ?
  10. is this light makes more bloom effect or lower the bloom effect,
  11. Hi Simmers and Developers Just curios to find some information regarding Upcoming 64bit for Prepar3d, I Want to know when prepar3d 64bit released, how VAS management will be done, likewise normal today prepar3d 32bit when i load PMDG 777 with Addon Scenery the maximum VAS usage u will have 1.3GB to 1.5GB at pre-flight to 600-700 MB VAS Memory left when landing with continues flight, so i am just wondering how about in 64bit what is the maximum it can go with, Best Regards
  12. Thank you for reply, yes its running on Administrator mode.
  13. Yes thank you
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