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Status Updates posted by Solarhawk7

  1. well im flummoxed yet again☹️ my sim is looking the part now 

    everything done apart from the electronics and dials to activate with a myriad of cards.

    so i came to the point of switching the ole pc on in order to get some warping done,on the curved screen ive been working on.

    i set up the warpelizer test page,and proceeded to make a good job of setting it up, (amazingly) all was going swimmingly until i ran p3d v4 and to my horror!!! it was only showing the warping that i had painstakingly done on on 1 projector, whilst the others decided to show me an unwelcome message of no signal grrrrr.

    i feel this is in the p3d program itself because when i exit p3d the other 2 projectors spring back into life 


    can anyone help please as this is now getting silly??


    i would appreciate any ideas ? cheers


    kind regards 





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