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  1. Thanks for taking the time Kiek to check this out I spoke to Balthasar he checked out YMMB & said he could see GA planes in RealTraffic like i do for that airport can't figure out why they don't inject into the sim through PSXTraffic . Is there any new limit on PSXTraffic not detecting GA aircraft from RealTraffic . This is how it use to work when using PSXT 32.4.1 & https://flightsim.to/file/38966/ga-stock-aircraft-traffic Just missing being able to fly with local GA
  2. Still have no luck getting any aircraft at my local airport YMMB Even though RealTraffic shows traffic see picture https://photos.app.goo.gl/kHbP8y3Gxq3pfvT86 Doesn't seem to feed into PSXTraffic - Does work at YMML though so is it just the other airport is GA Have also attached log file Log File https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Olv6a_qynHEJAq7TtzxPEGbgj5YYtPBB/view?usp=sharing This did work ages ago at YMMB but that was older versions of PSXTraffic & RealTraffic
  3. Thanks for taking time to look at this Kirk My Log File - Maybe it's just my local airport YMMB but i can see planes in RealTRaffic PSXT & spotter mode but none live in PSX
  4. Hi all Please forgive me if that has been raised & answered before however i no longer see any GA aircraft at my local airport any more using PSXTraffic ver 3.3.0 & RealTraffic ver 9.1.215 . I was able to see most GA at my local when I was using older PSXseeconTraffic with RealTraffic but now even though i see GA traffic on RealTraffic, PSXTraffic report no live . Am i doing something wrong or does GA not work any more See what i mean here https://photos.app.goo.gl/ZS8UT4gvHGAXqMrw6 Any help or advice would be great thanks
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