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Alex Handsaker

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About Alex Handsaker

  • Birthday February 24

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  1. Hey everyone, Just wanted to update everyone that this aircraft is still unflyable for me. Fenix said they would be sending me a version of the aircraft that logs everything (on 9/2/24) and I have been in communication with Aamir but they still haven't sent me that version. I have ran all of the updates and am using the most up-to-date everything (sim, A319/320/321, etc.) and it continues to be unflyable to the point I only use it once every update to see if the issue is solved, yet. Anyone had any success in rectifying this?
  2. Absolutely! That is totally fine. I will shoot you a PM.
  3. Hey Dave, The recreation, for me, is simply flying a final. The moment I descend below 1,000ft AGL the oscillation starts and continues to about 50ft AGL, as shown in the video in the original post (in the original post I was just showing the behavior not on an approach but flying low enough to recreate). The issue isn't discriminatory on the airport, the weather (turbulence is set to light and I've also tried it without any weather), weight, anything - the oscillations happen each and every approach and I cannot find a way to overcome it or not produce it. The FCTL page (in the aircraft) shows the elevator rapidly oscillating between trying to pitch the aircraft up and down (as shown in the original video). Also, as shown in the video, there is no input from my flight controls that would cause this to be a hardware issue (it also happens when my flight controls are completely unplugged from my computer). If you guys need me to send you any other information or data, I am happy to do so - just let me know!
  4. Fenix released an update yesterday that says that it fixes the oscillations. Rest assured, I have tested it and the oscillations are still there. :(
  5. Fenix confirmed, through my support request, that this is a known bug that the development team are working on.
  6. That would be awesome! I don't use Discord, anymore, so I'm glad it's being reported and addressed on there. That gives us hope!
  7. To follow-up, yes, I did open a support ticket with Fenix yesterday afternoon. I'm glad it's a known issue and not just me, I couldn't find anyone else describing the issue so I started to worry I was missing something.
  8. Good Morning, Thanks for all of the responses. The video is absolutely terrible quality, I am getting well over 50fps but that video doesn't do it any justice (the video is noticeably TERRIBLE fps) but my sim is not anywhere near that bad (I think the website I uploaded it to reduced the quality because the actual video isn't that bad, either). I have a high-performance gaming computer so that rules out the low fps issue. It's a shame this may be more than I can fix on my own. I was really looking forward to these aircraft.
  9. Good Evening, I have been searching high and low since I made the switch from FBW to Fenix on Monday and I have encountered an issue that I cannot seem to find a resolution to. Upon departure in the A321, passing around 40ft (AGL), the elevator starts rapidly pitching up and down. If this behavior is not aggressively handled (pulling my TCA sidestick almost full back) the issue will cause the plane to start descending uncontrollably. Additionally, in the A319/A321, during short final, this same behavior will occur (even with autopilot engaged). When this occurs, the Fenix MCDU shows that there are no inputs and that the aircraft isn't doing anything with the elevator; however, you can see on the F/CTL page that the elevator is rapidly oscillating. I have spent extensive time messing with my settings (adjusting the sensitivity of my calibrations, redoing all of my calibrations in Fenix and on MSFS, etc.). I have also tried adjusting speeds for rotation and final approach and I cannot find a solution. I have also searched almost every resource I can think of (including forums) with no luck. I also did a reinstall of the aircraft just to be sure. I am not using any add-ons and I currently have live weather turned off and turbulence is set to low. Here is a short video (I am descending into a neighborhood and the MCDU is not configured by any means but it does show the behavior that is encountered): https://streamable.com/ksudbj You can see (in the video) that there are absolutely no inputs being made on my sidestick (the MCDU is displaying the config page). The only thing (in this video) that I can imagine would cause this behavior is the degree shift in the wind (no speed changes) but I cannot figure out why the aircraft would behave this way. I do not have this issue with FBW or PMDG aircraft. Any help/resources/pointing in the right direction would be really, really appreciated. Thank you so much!
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