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Everything posted by Rioku

  1. This delete the aircraft trail of all my flights, i mean delete only the last one.
  2. It´s possible to delete the Aircraft Tail of your last flight? Another question, i forgot to leave LNM minimiced in my last flight, is possible to select the departure airport and destination, and then set that line as aircraft tail in order to don´t repeat the flight? Cheers
  3. I also did this: 12. GLOBE Offline Elevation Data But i don´t know if theres more steps to do. Sorry, but i didn´t find edit option in my previous post.
  4. After clean installation, what are the first steps? I did this one; Load Scenery Library Do i have to do anything else? Thanks!
  5. I mean if theres a way to save a file before unistalling 2.8 to add when i install 3.0.6 so i can see the aircraft trail of my previous flights i made with 2.8
  6. Yes the aircraft trail, what i want is to see in the 3.0.6 installation, the aircraft trail of the flights i made with the 2.8.12 Is possible?
  7. Hi i use LittleNavmap 2.8.12 and in the map i can see a broken black line, which is where i fly. I´m going to update to 3.0.6 but i can´t update mi actual 2.8.12 i have to do a new install. How can i put in the new 3.0.6 the line with the flights i made? Thanks!
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