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Forgive me friends for I have sinned...Installed the RXP 530 in the Bronco and did a quick test flight to check things out.Turning for final on rwy 21 @ NZDN, flying the RNAV approach.Love it. This Aerosoft gem is really starting to sink in. Can't wait for the soon to be released (hopefully) update.
When I select an aircraft in FSX Steam edition that has a RealityXP profile enabled on it, the game crashes. Never had this problem on the old CD version, but that stopped working on my other computer recently. I have the garmin trainer installed as well in case that might have been an issue Is there any fix for this?
Hi, Now included in the Reality XP GNS 530/430 V2 FltSim v2.3.12 and Reality XP GTN 750/650 Touch v2.4.16! Mid Continent MD41-1484W Annunciator Control Unit Mid Continent MD41-1028 TAWS CONTROL UNIT The rxpGpsAnnun.cab includes two gauges offered as addition to the GTN and GNS V2, the Mid Continent WAAS annunciation panel and the Mid Continent TAWS control unit. They are released as XML gauges, so that it makes it easy for third party vendors to integrate the same annunciation panels as-is in their aircraft, or using the same XML code when displaying in an EFIS for example. Both gauges install automatically to P3D4 and P3D3 using the GNS V2 and GTN existing add-on.xml file. It requires editing the panel.cfg file to add them to the actual panel though. For manual Installation: Prefered method is using the Prepar3d addon xml file: 1) copy the file rxpGpsAnnun.cab to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Reality XP\Gauges" 2) copy and paste the following to a new file named 'add-on.xml' <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SimBase.Document Type="AddOnXml" version="3,3" id="add-on"> <AddOn.Name>Reality XP GPS Annunciation</AddOn.Name> <AddOn.Description>Reality XP Gauges</AddOn.Description> <AddOn.Component> <Category>Gauges</Category> <Name>Reality XP GPS Annunciation</Name> <Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Reality XP\Gauges</Path> </AddOn.Component> </SimBase.Document> 3) copy the add-on.xml file into: "Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons\Reality XP Gauges" Alternatively, copy the rxpGpsAnnun.cab file in the simulator Gauges folder. Gauge specs: rxpGpsAnnun!TAWS,0,0,350,100 rxpGpsAnnun!WAAS,0,0,350,100 Known limitations: - Requires Reality XP GTN 750/650 Touch v2.5 minimum. - Requires Reality XP GNS 530/430 V2 v2.4.1 minimum. PS: For the old-timers, they used to be included in our GNS legacy, but weren't included yet in the GTN or the GNS V2 gauge file. I've decided to reboot these gauges and offer them as XML gauges, so that it makes it easy for third party vendors to integrate the same annunciation panels as-is in their aircraft, or using the same XML code when displaying in an EFIS for example.
Anyone had any success with adding the GTN750/650 stack to the 3D panel on the XP12 default Laminar C172? I know the text I added to the .acf file in XP11 does not work the same. Any tips or software suggestions that could help me integrate it myself? Plane maker for the 3d panel does not look friendly. It's just weird seeing a 530/430 stack on the panel and toggling 750 / 650 windows . Thanks. Torg