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Hello everyone, I am excited to introduce my new website dedicated to interactive checklists for flight simulations : Simchecklist.eu simchecklist.eu offers detailed and easy-to-use checklists for various types of aircraft and flight simulators (Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane, Prepar3D, ...). Main Features: - Interactive checklists - Compatible with all Flight Sim - User-friendly interface - Accessible on PC, tablet, and smartphone - Regular updates with new checklists The site is currently in beta, and I am looking for feedback to improve it further. Check out the site here: https://www.simchecklist.eu/ Your feedback and suggestions are very welcome! Thank you and happy flying!
Hey Benny_,Pity your thread seems to have been locked. You have made an important contribution to th X-plane community and may be perhaps the FS community as well, in showing us what can be done and dream of what's possible.One of the things that bothers me, and forgive me for my ignorance here, is that the principles of flight dynamics have essentially remained the same for, shall I say, decades ? But the X-plane FM keeps changing almost at every update. In fairness, perhaps the X-plane FM gets more refinded as better hardware may provide more sophisticated as well as more frequent sampling.With that in mind, I have wondered about keeping the FM separate from the scenery engine. Don't know how feasible that is and may not be as lucrative from Laminars standpoint.But I digress.Benny_, please feel free to start another thread that concentrates on the tool or tools you are developing. I am sure it will be welcomed by the community and perhaps the plausible can me made more real !Keep up the good work and do keep us informed as you deem fit.
Help wanted for X-plane scenery development :If anybody is interested in working/cooperating with me, please PM me or contact me at [email protected]'s been a while since I last produced and offered Chicago and Washington, DC scenery packages for X-plane v8. They do work in v9 and will hopefully work in v10 as well. I have almost the same level of enthusiasm I felt when I first developed the freeware Chicago scenery for X-plane v5, but I am getting older and less energetic ! For those interested, please checkout the xpcities You-tube channel.Only candidates serious, dedicated and willing to commit to some sort of longer term project need apply. Don't mean to be harsh, just realistic. What would be helpful, is perhaps, if you could identify your strengths, capabilities and any scenery developments you have personally engaged in. I am based in the Chicagoland area, so the closer you are to it, the better and preferably within US.Thank you for reading this and look forward to hearing from anyone interested.xpcitiesP.S. I do hope this does not violate any AVSIM rules or guidelines. If they do, moderators, please PM me and/or delete/edit this post as you deem fit.
Does anybody have any version of World Maker.exe for Windows that is version 8.20 or lower ?I have the 8.40 and 8.60 versions but neither allows saving your work !Please PM me if you can email me the file or point to a place I can download it from.I'd appreciate any help.
Hi, I've crashed twice at the holding point of KFLL's 10L. Here's the log.