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Guest alexlaw

Hi again,Does anyone know the model of the concentric rotaries used by GoFlight in their Radio modules, and where I can buy some?Same question regarding the lighted buttons used in their MCP module.I plan to build some additional panels and I need them to have looks "compatible" to the GoFlight modules.I considered buying them from GoFlight, but the prices they are asking for them are "extreme" . Besides, I really don't need them assembled on a PCB.I searched Mouser etc. catalogs and I could not find them anywhere.Appreciat any help,Thanks,Alhttp://www.excitingsimulations.com/cockpit

Guest airhead

Greetings Al,I made an inquiry to GF about some of their components a while back, specifically in regards to their RMK product line. Below are some of the questions I asked and the information I received, not sure if it will help you much...concentric rotaries:----------------------------Dual Rotary - detents and cycles per rev? I gather these are Bourns, but can't find any duals thru Mouser catalog<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Guest alexlaw

Thanks airhead,"dual rotary is made by ALPS specifically for us", my, my, aren't we important... ;-)I guess I'll keep searching.


>We use several different types from Bourns, ALPS and>Panasonic. Our dual rotary is made by ALPS specifically for>us. 30 detents per rev, and full cycle per detent. If youAlps "EC11" series has one model that is dual concentric, but those DO cost a LOT even from an electronics store. And since those are quite rare, I dont know if any retailer stocks them.Anyway, check the datasheet from mouser or digikey for "ALPS EC11" and you will see the dual concentric one on the PDF.Also, Bourns has hollow-shaft rotaries that are looking pretty interesting if one wants to do a dual one by combining two components together, a hollow and a regular one.. The hollow one is ESD0D-S00-GC0006.I havent seen any of these yet, still investigating the options and what makes most sense to get..//Tuomas

Guest alexlaw

Thanks Tuomas,The info is great. I am aware that GF uses dual mechanical encoder - not optical - otherwise the GF 166 price would be much higher.I like the hollow thing idea a lot - never thought of it! Thanks for the tip.

Guest alexlaw

Hi again - I found the model that I need:ALPS EC11EBB24C03 - Dual shaft, grey code, mechanical, etc. etc... Mouser and Digikey do not carry it. Mouser will sell you if you place an order of 1,000 units - LOL. Price should be @$10 apiece which is reasonable IMHO.So we need some additional detective work to get our hands on this thing without ordering 1,000 units ;-)

Guest rprather

Doyle has been working on a software revision to allow different series of rotary encoders to be used. With the beta revision, we were able to hook up a Grayhill dual encoder from a 747 radio mgmt panel, and it worked BEAUTIFULLY with the Go Flight interface!This is awesome, because it gives you a lot of flexibility to choose the type of rotary you want to use.Robert


>Hi again - I found the model that I need:>>ALPS EC11EBB24C03 - Dual shaft, grey code, mechanical, etc.>etc... Mouser and Digikey do not carry it. Mouser will sell>you if you place an order of 1,000 units - LOL. Price should>be @$10 apiece which is reasonable IMHO.>>So we need some additional detective work to get our hands on>this thing without ordering 1,000 units ;-)>>Well, making a combined encoder from a regular one with button and a hollow one will give you the button too - which I will need for the GNS530 that I am going to build...http://tigert.com/aviation/vatsim/cockpit-...design-gns.jpeghttp://tigert.com/aviation/vatsim/cockpit-...n-closeup1.jpegThat's a PSONE display, very very close to the correct size :) And the panel is from www.frontpanelexpress.com / www.schaeffer-ag.deAFAIK the alps dual concentric one does not work with IOCARDS at least directly (although it will with the encoder card I guess) - the hollow one has a model that does connect directly to iocards, as well as there's a button'ed model with regular shaft. There was another thread about this just a while ago.//Tuomas

Guest alexlaw

WOW Tuomas,That GPS makes me GREEN with envy ;-D. It's simply PERFECT!I don't care about whether it works or not with the IOCards. I will connect it with Leo's Cyclotron (supports 8 rotaries w/switch or 4 dual w/switch) besides other cool features.Now you REALLY got me going with those panels - LOL.Hats off to a master.

Guest alexlaw

Yep, I read about that but Grayhills are out of my budget for now... I'm really looking for the mechanical duals and now pondering Tuomas' idea with the hollow rotaries. $85 vs. $10-$12 is a no brainer - especially if I need FOUR of them ;-). At that price, even GF's offer seems reasonable at $23!Thanks for the input though.

Guest seev_39

I am in the middle of building a Garmin 500 based on a 14" CRT monitor (as third monitor) with 12 push buttons and a concentric double knob (with curser).Here is a drawing for the knob. the material I use is copper sheet which makes it easy to weld the "star" wheels to the shaft.Seev K.http://forums.avsim.net/user_files/117362.jpg

Guest yoss

Very nice solution,SeevKola kavod== well done


> Very nice solution,Seev>>Kola kavod== well done>>Yeah, but very BIG.. Imagine stuffing it to a GNS530 panel :)//Tuomas

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