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Article Comments posted by John_Cillis

  1. I feel, given that it has autogen overlays which is rare for photo scenery, that it is a decent price--I have paid more for MSE V3 although granted that is good as well.  I would not mind getting all three titles but I believe I'd run short of space even on my 2TB SSD.  I already have MSEV3 scenery and one MSEV2 title for Hawaii from Guam to all of Texas, and north to Montana.   I may at least get southern Britain on payday next week, you cannot go wrong with Justflight.


  2. Since it is an add-on, something must have happened.  My add ons are limited to a smattering of Carenado aircraft, Ant's Drifter ultralight, and MSE's photoreal scenery covering much of the west, plus Oregon which I have rendered with FSEarthtiles.  I finally settled down and made P3D my platform for flying over photoscenery and X-Plane my platform for flying over its default scenery and landclass, which I find very realistic and well placed from a pilot's point of view.  Back to P3D, my go-to aircraft, the Malibu Mirage, the Alabeo Cardinal, the Carenado Citation 550 and Alabeo Cessna 421 are all flying fine in the 4.3 update.  I followed the protocol of uninstalling client, content and scenery before reinstalling, and the reinstall of 4.3 left existing add-ons and config settings untouched and picked up on them immediately.  I enjoyed a brief flight of the C130 over the LA Basin, love having a flyable aircraft for short uneven field takeoffs and landings, she flies so well.....


  3. The Aerolight 103 is a great addition.  Ultralights have been around since the 70's and some have been modeled for our sims, mostly trikes.  The Aerolight 103 is a well modeled ultralight that nails the numbers and handles just like one would expect an aircraft of that power and weight to handle.  I have not flown a fixed wing Part 103 aircraft but I have flown trikes of similar weight and performance and the Aerolight delivers the great feeling of flying low and slow over Xplane11's marvelous autogen.  For me 11.20 was worth it just for the Aerolight, and of course the VR is a boon to those who want that as well.  Xplane has cemented its place in our hobby with the Eleven edition!


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