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Posts posted by GOLF

  1. Does anyone know how, or if it's possible to add time to the TextInfo line?So that when you push Control + Z it would show the actual time.I have tried the commands clock and time without success.

  2. I just downloaded Fairchild C123B SCA Air Cargo N402GB,File, sca_c123b_v2.zip byVladimir Zhyhulskiy, Garrett Smith.I imagine this is a AVG problem but when I try to unzip the file AVG gives me a Trojan horse message.Trojan horse SHeur.AVTG in SCA_C123B.exe.Is anyone else having this problem? I am sure that all the files would have been checked by AVSIM, but just wanted to be sure.Thanks. Mac

  3. Actually the scenery is based on the work I did with ground2k4.Unfortunately in FSX CBS8 was underground with the original scenery so I rebuilt the default airport to fit the buildings. Nothing like doing it backwards. LOLI also removed CYPB as that airport hasn't been there for years.As for the waterfront I am working on that now, rebuilding the UT shoreline.Doing things the hard way, I have been going through the bgl's with word pad looking for bmp files. Have it pretty well narrowed down now I think. Thanks for the help.Mac.P.S. I think I spend most of my time fiddling with this sim. Seems like I hardly ever fly it. LOL

  4. >Hi Mac,>>if you tell us a bit more about the specific add-on and why>you feel those files may be unnecessary we may be able to>provide more specific advice.>>Cheers, HolgerIt is some scenery from FS9 for Port Alberni, B.C. and CBS8.The author is Lars Hoyer. Unfortunately, he is not involved in scenery making anymore. I was in touch with him and he gave me permission to do what I could with them, just to give him credit if I republished them, which is not very likely as I am not a scenery disigner, know nothing about gmax etc, and really don't want to know. LOL. I took pictures of the buildings and most of the cars at CBS8 and did some landclass for him.During the time he was putting the scenery together he sent me many versions of the scenery. Therefore I am not sure if I need all the bmp's I have.Just thought I might be able to clean up the files a little.I have UT Canada and the harbour shoreline of Port Alberni had some strange shorelines.I thought I would try and make it look a little more realistic. Didn't realize what I was getting into.LOLAll the buildings and cars at CBS8, the paper mill, and the main buildings at the Harbour Quay are done by Lars.Mac

  5. >The solution, at a cost, is to use more detailed addons for>your area of interest, like Ultimate Terrain Canada which I>believe is coming out this fall, or Holgerized ultra-detail>addons like Bella Coola and Vancouver+.>>JonThere probably will be some great products becoming available. Unfortunately, the amount of money needed to get a computer to run FSX is going to leave very little room for addons.As not everyone enjoys flying around big cities it is too bad that the team saw fit to use the data that they did. It certainly took away much of the enjoyment for me.Anyway, that's the way it is and I guess there is no sence harping on it. Back to the scenery and add another lake. LOLMac

  6. Phil.While I understand what you are saying, I can't seem to apply your explanation to some of the problems I have seen.In British Columbia there are areas around the larger cities which have greatly improved from FS9.However, away from the larger cities many areas are terrible compared to FS9. Canals along with extremely poor coast lines missing on Vancouver Island, large lakes missing, a major river missing when it goes into the interior are some things I have noticed.Comparing the scenery in FS9 with FSX, in some areas FSX is greatly improved, while in others it is a very large step backward.I have been working with some scenery programs and have my area so I can recoginze it, which I didn't when I first loaded the sim. Unfortunately I do not have the time nor the experience to tackle all of the British Columbia coast line. LOLWhile I think FSX has some great improvements I was surprised that the scenery was not at least equal to FS9 in the areas that were not around the big cities.I guess my question would be, if you purchased a certain level of scenery in FS9, why wouldn't you have the same level in FSX along with some improvements?Mac

  7. Dick.Thanks for the links.Will have a look and see if I can wrap my old brain around another program. :-lol I have e-mailed Christian Fumey and asked him if he was planning on doing an upgrade. If I remember correctly he said they were looking at it but there were some problems.Guess all I can do is hope, as I really like the program. It is very easy to use.Mac

  8. Unfortunately I cannot show some pics as my computer blew up and am in the proecess of reinstalling.Some Examples: These examples are FS9 default to FSX default.The Alberni Canal on Vancouver Island.In FS9 it at least came to Port Alberni. In FSX it only comes about 1/3 the way to Port Alberni.There are also 2 larger lakes north east of Port Alberni which are missing in FSX, but were in FS9.In Barkley Sound there are a lot of islands. FS9 did show a few of the larger ones, but FSX does not show 1 island.These examples are within 50 miles of Port Alberni.Fortunately I have been able to fix some of these problems using grnd2k4. Although it doesn't work perfectly, at least I can add water to the land. As far as adding islands it will not work.I am hoping there will be an upgrade to grnd2k4 that works in FSX.

  9. "It's FSX that looks good in so many areas away from major "addon areas"! Yes, FSX has some of those less than pleasing sand deserts, yet the default high resolution mountain and city textures more than make up for it."Actually it's the lack of larger lakes and very poor coast lines that really are lacking.Many areas on the coast of Vancouver Island are not half as good as they were in FS9. And believe me I thought FS9 had terrible coast lines.To me it does seem like a backward step in that respect.

  10. "What you are seeing are offset ILS beams done purposely at some airports and it is up to the PIC to review the current Approach Charts to know where these offsets exsits at."Can see I didn't understand the original problem.However, although the above statement, "in quotes", does refer to some airports, CYYJ and CYQQ are not one of them. I have the instrument procedure books that contain this information and they both show straight in approaches.I will need to have a look at the magnetic problem though. Looks very confusing.*:-*

  11. This is very confusing.:-( I am finding a few misplaced ILS beacons. Not sure if this is what everyone is talking about.A couple of examples.CYYJ - Rwy 09 - the glide slope lines up directly onto the runway. Rwy 27 - the glide slope lines up about 300 feet right side of same runway. CYQQ - Rwy 20 - the glide slope lines up about 300 feet right side of runway.You can see this problem just by looking at the map view and looking at how the ILS is shown there.Some airports like CYVR with 5 different ILS approaches look perfect.Sure would like to know how to get these beacons back in the correct place as it sure does make for some exciting landings in low vis.By the way, there was no problem with these airports in FS9 so something has changed.

  12. >Thats not true. I have many aircrafts from FS9 that I have>moved over to FSX and the lights all work.>>Except the Caranado 206. I can't get the lights either. I>thought I did in the demo.>>MannyWould you please give us some aircraft names. Would like to try and figure out what the problem is and if it can be corrected in the planes that don't work.

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